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Condensed summer courses from UofT


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Dear premed101ers:


I phoned UofT this morning to inquire about their CHM138 (intro orgo) and CHM139 (intro chem) course. I was told that those two courses have been condensed into two months each for the summer and that I can finish both in one summer term. When I first heard this I was extremely pleased, and then I became deeply concerned:


Would these condensed courses, say the two-month orgo course, be counted as 1 of the 2 prerequisite orgo courses. In other words, most US medical schools require one year of orgo course, would this condense course count for the first half-year's worth?


Thanks for your help.



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Both are half year credits, and you can do two half-credits at once! So it should count as a full year. I go to UofT, and I think all half-courses in summer are pretty crunched, the only different thing than usual is that they put both in the same summer term.


Maybe double-check with UofT just to be sure?

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a lot of UofT st. george people get into trouble when doing chemistry. usually they do chem 138 and 139, which gives them a half year of orgo+lab and half year of general chem +lab. the problem they encounter is getting the other half year credit to fulfill the 1 full year prerequisite that most US universities require.


if you can, see whether or not UTSC offers orgo and general chemistry in the summer. there are 2 half year courses for each of those subjects (both with lab) and easily fulfill the requirements that US med schools are looking for.

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