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interview prep books

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Land a dentistry interview? Not sure how to prepare? Really want to get in? I've got the answer for you! Prepare using my interview prep books, they're very user-friendly and teach you everything you need to know about preparing foe the CDA interview. Several people have already been admitted to McGill and UBC using my products.


For more info email me: cdainterviewbook@hotmail.com

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Almost all the major universities offer free business interview skills workshops where you can learn to prepare appropriate answers and deliver them clearly.


Being a dentist who has interviewed candidates for the CDA several times, you can definitely tell which candidates have had experience in interview situations.


In my opinion, reading a book of someone's suggested answers in preparation for an interview who's purpose is to learn about you has minimal benefit.


I find it sad that people are trying to milk $ from desperate pre-dent students with any type of "prep material" they can think of.


I am willing to offer free advice to anyone who has any questions about the interview. Post a sample question and your answer, and i'll let you know if you missed anything important. Free.

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Thanks for the comments dr drill. Maybe you'd like to identify who you are for the rest of the forum. I'm a dental student at Dal who got into 4 dental schools last year. My name appears on the front of each of the books. I scored a 34/35 on my UWO interview last year and got into 3 schools as an OOP student so I'd like to think I have some sort of idea what I'm doing.


Here's a description of the books.


First book tells you what all 7 competencies are for success in the health professions are, how to build them if you don't have them, how to structure your answers, gives tips on really nailing down your answer and has 1 mock interview of 7 questions including probing questions they may ask you as supplementals. (65 pages)


Second book has 80+ questions of the 7 different types of competency based questions with around 60+ of them having sample answers from my prep work last year. (80 pages)


The books were developed based on several published studies (all referenced) into professional student interviews and people from Canada, USA, UK and Australia have purchased the books as they are useful for medical, dental and pharmacy interviews. During my prep work I worked with 2 interview coaches, 1 in Texas and 1 in Canada and incorporated their knowledge into the books as well.


The books are copyrighted to me and my intentions are not to "rob desperate pre-dental students of their milk money" but rather to provide interview prep information which I felt currently did not exist in the marketplace. The feedback has been awesome, students really find the material useful, and several have already been admitted to schools.


Thank you for your offer to provide students with sample ideas if their answers are correct or not I'm sure they will find it helpful however one would say in this particular instance I likely have more material than you do and it's organized and easy to follow. My offer still remains as I'm more than willing to sell you a copy of the books, or if you're really jealous I'll sell you part of the company - imagine that partners with Dr. Drill.


Have a nice day :D

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I am not here to defend or trash anyone. This is a capitalistic society (at least the US is, Canada isn't far behind, although we are still socialistic, but that seems to be falling apart.)


I agree with Dr. Drill, however, anyone has his/her own right to create a product and sell it in an open market. That is how Kaplan, Princeton review work. Not everyone is Meds, Law, etc took these programs to get into their respective field, yet, not everyone took those programs got in. It is meant to be an aid / reference. So s/he can write a prep book and sell it. If ppl find it useful good, if not, the program won't last too long.


But ppl also should be aware that most university offers "free" program for student on how to prepare for interview and interview work shop.


Hey Dr. Drill, since we both graduated, maybe we should write a book on NDBE and sell it!! lol :P Are you in?


Wait, do I get an receipt if i purchase a copy?? since you said it is copyright'd.. do you charge tax?


Girlfriend Pic

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I know the american one exist... i was referring to canadian one lol... but thanks for the warning. BTW, if you are not going to go to the US, writing the american Part I is a waste of time and money... and also, you don't really need to study from the deck to get decent grade.


As well, i never said there wasn't a market for it! That's why Kaplan's type program still exist! B/c ppl like to be spoon-fed!


Buy hot box

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@koft & dr. drill.


To be fair, it doesn't seem like you guys made similar comments towards the other thread titled "University Of Toronto Interview Help". (http://www.premed101.com/forums/showthread.php?t=25975)


Would you say this is the equivalent of paying (wasting) $150 to hone my interview skills when I can do so for free at the school career services center?


Could you please share your thoughts about this course also.


Might as well bash uniformly ;)

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LoL, I wasn't trying to bash the product s/he is selling. If you look at all previous threads, s/he has been hard selling the product on various threads. I was just trying to let ppl know that for those on a tight budget, career centre sometimes offers help to student for free, whether it is useful or not there is no guarantee. Just as every product in the market!


As for elite interview, I still think the same opinion as the interview book. As well as Rock the DAT, kaplan, etc.



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@koft & dr. drill.


To be fair, it doesn't seem like you guys made similar comments towards the other thread titled "University Of Toronto Interview Help". (http://www.premed101.com/forums/showthread.php?t=25975)


Would you say this is the equivalent of paying (wasting) $150 to hone my interview skills when I can do so for free at the school career services center?


Could you please share your thoughts about this course also.


Might as well bash uniformly ;)


What elite interviews is offering is clearly explained on their site. If you need help with knowing how to dress, how to properly address people, etc... then you can decide if you would be willing to pay $150 for this info that is offered free elsewhere.


It's your money.

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This forum should be moderated. People are just signing up to push their products rather than offer a helping hand. Its like a bunch of slimy used car salesmen on a car lot.


For those here who will actually become dentists, it's a lot like the sales reps that are going to come to your office and make claims that their products will revolutionize dentistry and your office cannot survive without them. "Do you want to be known as the last dental office to own a flux capaciter?"


It's up to you to filter through the incredible amount of bs that people will tell you to make a sale. Don't let salesmen tell you what you need.

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I can tell you 100% that elite interview does NOT just tell you to dress appropriately, and make eye contact!


Elite interview will give you TONS of sample CDA questions, and truly prepare you for the dental interview. The career centre on campus will not help you do well during a CDA interview.


I am sure that the CDA interview book is also awesome. I would choose either of those.

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