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Two questions for all you Dal students out there

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Hi futuredoc


I don't know that much about pre-reqs for other schools as I am only applying to Dal right now. I didn't have pre-reqs for a lot schools so I didn't bother applying. I can't see how BIOL 2030 would meet the criteria for a biochemistry requirement though. BIOL 2030 is a genetics class (even though it is Genetics and Molecular Biology) it is pretty much mostly genetics. It may have changed since I took it in 2000 but probably not that much. Granted, I've never taken any Biochem so I don't really know what is involved in that.


As for the social science I think you'd have to check with the schools that you're applying to. But I would imagine that any acceptance would just be conditional on you completing that course with an acceptable grade.


Good luck!

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i ran into this problem with UBC this year as they require a full year of biochemistry. they do accept 2030, but they don't accept 2020 (cell bio). unfortunately they told me this after i applied, so i hope they did something worthwhile with my 180 bucks.

hope that helps. i'm not sure what other schools require biochem

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  • 3 weeks later...

i'm pretty sure that those two courses wouldn't satisfy the biochemistry requirement... i took nature conservation - we watched movies, talked about different societies' approach to nature/agricultural, and had an art project. definitely no biochemistry going on in that class.

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