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Well, I am not looking into specializing, but the OMFS director suggested everyone should look into OMFS externships to gain a better apperciation of more challenging and bloody surgeries.


I heard a good one is NY, but it's a little too expensive in terms of living.

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Yes and no as for OMS externship, Yes you will see more bloody and challenging surgery. But it is not like you will be doing them as a GP. So it depends on you. Yes the biggest problem is cost of travelling and accomodation for 2 - 4 weeks rotation. NY, UNC, Venderbelt, Emory some of the good OMS program to do externship on. Like i said earlier, it won't do much good for a GP. I am excluding implant and sinus lift, b/c most externship you will be seeing is trauma and rounding on pt at 6 am...



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