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My MCAT score was a 38P but my cGPA (AMCAS) is only a 3.6 (due to a horrific second year). I was wondering what medical schools I should consider applying to. I don't begin to think I would be able to get into a top tier school with my cGPA, but which tier 2 schools are typically friendly to Canadians and look mostly at the MCATs.


In other words, what schools focus more strongly on the MCATs as oppose to other things?


Thanks for all your help!

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i would not shy away from any school, and would certainly include some top 10 schools in your list. this is a great MCAT score, and your GPA can be explained. plus, 3.6 is a very respectable GPA. i would apply widely, include a range of schools in different tiers just to be sure.

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Hi, i agree with the previous post. The US is very big on the MCAT and you have a phenomenal score! Basically, they dont know the difficulty of your university or undergrad program, which is why the mcat is so important since it is standardized across everyone


If you borrow or buy the msar (medical school admissions requirement) from your library, it will give you the average gpa and mcat scores for all of the schools in the US. I found that very useful when applying there.


My advice for you is to apply as early as possible!! (I believe AMCAS opens on June 1st and the essay question/application are the same each year). This is the most important thing when applying to the US since they have rolling admission. Also, apply broadly.


Most schools use the same questions every year for their secondary applications as well so try and finish these essays before june 1st so you can submit your app as soon as you get them. The link below has the prompt for all of the schools from this year. Good luck!



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i agree....the US is VERY high on the MCAT...it seems as though the MCAT is used as more of a flag or a screen in canada, but a high MCAT can compensate for an average GPA in the states...if you check MDapps, you will see more than enough students with your stats who are studying at top schools...just make sure you apply BROADLY (ie to a bunch of schools) and EARLY (june-july)....those are the two most important points when applying to the states!

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i agree....the US is VERY high on the MCAT...it seems as though the MCAT is used as more of a flag or a screen in canada, but a high MCAT can compensate for an average GPA in the states...if you check MDapps, you will see more than enough students with your stats who are studying at top schools...just make sure you apply BROADLY (ie to a bunch of schools) and EARLY (june-july)....those are the two most important points when applying to the states!


Total myth - there's only a few schools that use the MCAT as a "flag", really more as a way to determine their interview pool. There's a good number that weigh the MCAT quite heavily in their final ranking formula.

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Yeah..the following schools definetely look at the mcat as MORE than just a flag.










I'd put Queens in the flag group - just b/c after they've established the cut-offs, the MCAT isn't used in your final rank position. All it does is determine whether you get an interview. But I see what you mean, b/c schools like toronto don't even have real cut offs...

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I'd put Queens in the flag group - just b/c after they've established the cut-offs, the MCAT isn't used in your final rank position. All it does is determine whether you get an interview. But I see what you mean, b/c schools like toronto don't even have real cut offs...


I see what you mean as well. It was more of a "The MCAT can really help you at these schools" For queens making the cutoff is an interview, while for a school like UT, making the cutoff is not an interview, but neither is missing it.

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