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Financial Issues

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Hi everyone,


I would like to broaden my application next year to include American schools but I don't know if this is feasible for me financially. Right now I have a large student debt that I've been working to pay off and will have no help from family resources.


Has anybody researched which American schools have reasonable tuition costs for Canadian applicants? Also if you are going to a school outside of Canada are you still able to get Canadian government student loans?


Thanks for the help!

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Hi everyone,


I would like to broaden my application next year to include American schools but I don't know if this is feasible for me financially. Right now I have a large student debt that I've been working to pay off and will have no help from family resources.


Has anybody researched which American schools have reasonable tuition costs for Canadian applicants? Also if you are going to a school outside of Canada are you still able to get Canadian government student loans?


Thanks for the help!


you can check this link out for info about loans. You can also get a LOC from the "big 5" banks.




If you're from ON, you will be able to get OSAP loans but last time I checked, the maximum that you could get for studying in the US was 7K/yr.

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  • 2 weeks later...

None of the US med schools have reasonable tuition costs.


SUNY Upstate is around $35k/year.

Dartmouth has limited fin. aid available, same with Yale and Harvard.

CWRU and WashU have merit scholarships that are anywhere from half tuition to full rides.


I would stay away from Wayne / MSU:CHM because the tuition alone is $55k :eek: Take it as the exception rather than the rule you'll receive any support from a school.

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Yeah, I still don't understand how anyone can afford the Michigan schools. I mean, you are looking at over 300k over 4 years. I'd love to go to those schools, but I think the cost is just too high.. anything more than 41k a year in tuition is hard to swallow.

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