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Post Interview Selection

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Hey all


I went to a talk given by a speaker from UBC med, and she gave a presentation on how UBC selects its applicants. I was quite surprised to hear her say that after the interview, academic and non academic qualities are equally important, with Interview and NAQ comprising non academic qualities. So is she suggesting that post interview it is now approximately

50% AQ

30% Interview



as compared to the regular canonical formula





Any ideas guys?

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I'm only surprised that this info isn't much more widely available than it is. Up till now I didn't think anybody knew that formula (outside of the adcom).


In a way it's good. I've sat on both sides of an interview and know that the best people do not always interview well. In a way this formula gives a 50/50 balance between academics and non-academics (counting the interview).


In the session I went to, I was told that they do a total file review after the interview, then they make offers of admission.

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Very interesting, thanks for the info. The full file review is probably the most time consuming but also the best method IMO. From what I have heard the UBC adcom are very thorough and make sure they make the right choices. I didn't know the breakdown until now though... was this stated explicitly?

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The percentages are my own projections, since I think UBC views the interview portion quite importantly. But I recall her saying approximately that after the interview, academic and non academic qualities are equally important, with Interview and NAQ comprising non academic qualities.

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From my past experience in applying to UBC med, I too figure out that there isn't one specific formula on acceptance. There is a fluke component in additional to your application.


However, I don't know too much about this year because of the new MMI.


It is mid March now and u guys will find out within 1.5 months.


Enjoy your last semester for those of you at school.

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well at least for most of you in school at ubc i assume you guys finish school pretty soon and can just relax and try to forget about it...go on vacation or try to spend more time with friends. my school term ends late may so i guess i'll just have to try to keep myself busy with school work as much as possible and keep my mind occupied with other things. i think there's definitely something to be said about not having an expectations no matter how well you thought things went and having a plan B in case the worst happens...we wont find out for another two months not 1.5 unfortunately (two weeks sounds like a long time at this point). maybe get hooked on a season of some tv series or start dating or learn something new lol in any case, good luck to you all. we'll make it.

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coping with the wait = taking it out on the mountain = using all my sick days for spring skiing


I just can't believe we've come so far... being concerned with 'post interview selection' seemed SO far away last summer. :)


Aw... *warm fuzzies* Thanks for putting things into perspective - it's awesome that we're here, worrying, because at least we haven't been rejected (yet)!


Coping-wise, I'm not a student, so I'm diving into a lifestyle of working/hanging with friends/watching LOTS of hockey. Whee!

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I'm just keeping my mind off of the wait by preparing for my aussie and USA apps.

This new breakdown theory is really scaring me! if academics is going to be worth so much, I hope they don't weigh MCATs and pre-req averages more heavily this year for the post-interview selection. :(

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hi there,

i heard from one of my references that they got a call from ubc and were asked further questions about me.. is that a bad thing? i didnt know they did follow-up calls. im hoping its random like when they call some verifiers.. anyone know anything about this?

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hi there,

i heard from one of my references that they got a call from ubc and were asked further questions about me.. is that a bad thing? i didnt know they did follow-up calls. im hoping its random like when they call some verifiers.. anyone know anything about this?


did they call your referee (one of the three who wrote the reference letter) or one of the verifiers for the sketch??

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hi there,

i heard from one of my references that they got a call from ubc and were asked further questions about me.. is that a bad thing? i didnt know they did follow-up calls. im hoping its random like when they call some verifiers.. anyone know anything about this?


Hi medgurl,


I don't think it's anything to worry about.


When I spoke with the admissions staff, they said they will be verifying information in our applications all throughout the evaluation period (until May). This is also a random process.

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