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wondering about future options

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so I just recently joined this board and think its awesome :)


I just have a question and was hoping someone would enlighten my situation


currently im in my last year graduating with a BscH. I'm sure we're ALL in this situation with what to do if we don't get into dental school, and I'm sure we all appreciate the fact that we aren't given notices until even up to late june! so we're allowed to twiddle our thumbs and wait in the meantime.


However I'm curious in the fact that, should I apply for US schools and hand in my apps early (may -june) so i can get a head start there (I've never applied to US schools before, this is my first year applying to canadian schools) or is that considered too early? and i should just wait for acceptance/rejection late june and hand it in then? or would that be considered too late?


and in terms of applying to US schools, do we get a lower scoring if we did not take a full course load in our last year? (took a 4.0 course load this year) and im having trouble with the gpa conversion, my school gives a % and a letter (but no +/-). I looked at the aasdas table but its kind of confusing... but is the OUAC point conversion accurate enough?

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Can you give us your stats? It would help us give you an opinion.


It also depends on how urgent you feel about getting into Dental school and your financial situation. Yes, if you want to make sure you get into a Dental school, then applying early for the first round in the US is a good idea. However, if you want to give Canadian Dental schools a few more shots, then you can wait first.

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based on the UofT gradscaling


1st year: 3.83

2nd year: 3.83

3rd year: 3.4 (haha)

4th year: undergoing


cumulative 3.7


my dats... i forgot what my scores were ^^''' lmao


but they were 20s in all categories... and probably a 19 somewhere. and carving 28

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