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Secondary held up by MCAT

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I'm a bit confused about the application process. I have a few questions


1) If I were to write the MCAT on July 18 2008, the results don't come out until August 19th. However, if I were to fill out AMCAS by June, would I receive the secondaries in July, or do the secondaries only come out when my MCAT scores come out? I know AMCAS verification isn't held up by MCAT, but I was wondering whether once AMCAS verifies the information, then secondaries come out, or is it that once AMCAS verifies the information AND MCAT scores come out then does secondary come flooding into our inbox?


2) For those who applied to SUNY Upstate, if we didn't take English, but we took an intensive political science writing course, does that count?



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I'm a bit confused about the application process. I have a few questions


1) If I were to write the MCAT on July 18 2008, the results don't come out until August 19th. However, if I were to fill out AMCAS by June, would I receive the secondaries in July, or do the secondaries only come out when my MCAT scores come out? I know AMCAS verification isn't held up by MCAT, but I was wondering whether once AMCAS verifies the information, then secondaries come out, or is it that once AMCAS verifies the information AND MCAT scores come out then does secondary come flooding into our inbox?


2) For those who applied to SUNY Upstate, if we didn't take English, but we took an intensive political science writing course, does that count?





1) You would receive the secondaries even with MCAT scores pending - some schools send secondaries as soon as you submit your AMCAS application, some wait until verification. However, the REVIEW of your completed application (AMCAS, secondary, reference letters, application fee, MCAT etc.) by each school would be held up until your MCAT scores were received.


2) Can't say, I did a full year of English. Best is to contact the school.


Hope this helps.

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