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U.K. People......

Guest hoomsy

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Hey... I know there are a few U.K. people in this forum. I just got invited for an interview at Oxford for the 4 year accelerated medical programme. Now is this a good thing?....In the sense do EVERYONE get interviews or just a few?....They called it the "shortlist".




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Guest Scottish Chap



This is very good news and it means that you're a very competitive applicant. I'm British and I know some British citizens who applied there. The only applicants that were interviewed (for the most part, I have to say) were those who graduated with first class honours and that's not easy in the British education system.


North Americans tend to get 'milked' by British medical schools since you would pay approx 30-fold more than I would have to in tuition. As such, you'll find that most North Americans are generally (with rare exceptions) only offered interviews for the traditional five-year programmes. Being accepted to one of the the U.K.s' most prestigious medical schools on an accelerated track is quite and achievement, so I have to say that I'm impressed that you're being interviewed.


However, there is a caveat. Bear in mind that Oxford has an entrance exam that you must pass and, if you go there, prepare for snobbery and elitism like you've never seen. If you can ignore that aspect, you'll do incredibly well. Best of British! (that means "good luck).

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Guest Clipper

Hi Hoomsy


Congratulations!! Being offered an interview must mean you have done well on the test and they think you are a competitive applicant. They only interview about 10% of the total applicant pool. I also had an interview for the grad program 2 years ago. Unfortunately, they only offer around 1 or 2 places for international students so the competition is quite high. Although I have heard rumours of snobbery and elitism in universities such as Oxford and Cambridge, I never experienced anything like that during my interviews nor have I experienced anything like that in the past 2 years at Cambridge since I am a medical student here.


Amway…best of luck and prepare well for the interview



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Thanks! I wasn't sure because I didn't know of any stats. Yeah I'm a US applicant. And hah yeah they probably want my money (which is fair, I'm going to have to spend that much one way or the other). And yes I did write the exam already.....


Do you know what are the chances of getting accepted? (How many US/Canadian's they ask to interview)? I know I'm on a seperate quota.


Is there anything else you can tell me on how to prepare myself for the interviews?


I really appreciate your time(s)....






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