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Keep trying in canada or just head south? looking for an opinion

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I just wanted to get some opinions from some of you guys on the board. I am wondering - considering you were competitive enough to get an interview or two in Canada but weren't accepted in the end, would you guys keep trying, investing a 1 - few years to get into a canadian school or just head south and attend a US med school? This is keeping in mind you want to practice in canada primarily as well as possibly do residency there, but you don't want to close any doors if you end up desiring to practice in the US.

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It depends on the individual.


I think you have to answer the question: so what happens if I don't get in the second time around? That's a lot of time in your life being tossed away, unless of course you're doing something else on the side.


I can't comment for all situations, but if you are a competitive applicant (and you likely are if you get one or two Canadian interviews) and don't get in then if you have the money to spare (both applying and interviewing can be (but doesn't have to be) costly, I would say apply again but apply both in the US and Canada.


Doing the AMCAS and secondary applications really force you to rewrite and rethink your entire application. The interviewing in the US is invaluable, not to mention a giant confidence booster if you get accepted before December. Finally, while the rule of thumb is the US is more expensive, there are some schools where you'd be surprised how generous the scholarships/financial aid can be.

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Thanks for the opinion guys. I just wanted to see what you guys were thinking of. It looks like being a US grad with some good canadian electives makes you pretty set for CaRMs and for matching into some pretty decent residencies, and it looks like you'd have some nice doors that would be open for you down there as well. I think in the end it just comes down to also where I would want to live/what I would be giving up.

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I'm just curious, but if one were to go to the US, can you still match into competitive residencies in the US (ex. ortho)? And if you were to finish your residency in the US, you can come back to Canada? I'm still confused about that process even having read the post the covers visas.

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I'm just curious, but if one were to go to the US, can you still match into competitive residencies in the US (ex. ortho)? And if you were to finish your residency in the US, you can come back to Canada? I'm still confused about that process even having read the post the covers visas.


Yes and yes.

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If money is not an issue, then just head south - if you've got the ability to get into specialty x, then you'll get into it no matter what. Don't worry about being held back by going to the US, you won't be held back.


You have to bust your ass off, and impress the right people - if you don't do this, then being a CDN grad isn't going to get you into a competitive specialty either. It's all about yourself and what you do. If money is an issue, then I'd try a few more times.


It was an issue for me - and I declined an offer last year to Wayne...and sadly, I might not be getting in this year again.

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