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Waitlist email

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for those waitlisted, i just wanted to check if there's some line or extra sentence that might hint at your position on the waitlist, which seemed to happen a couple years ago. This is what my email said, does anyone else's look different?:


The Faculty of Medicine has sent offers of admission to some applicants and refusal letters to others. Although we have made offers to fill all of the positions available in our class, it is possible that a number of the students to whom we have offered admission may not accept. We have retained your application for further consideration should such vacancies arise.




If necessary, further offers will be made as places become available, and this process will continue until our class has been filled. If you have moved, please ensure that we have on file your new address and a telephone number (home and/or business) where you may be reached during business hours. Please send this information to us in writing, as well as informing OMSAS.




I know that you are very anxious about the outcome of your application to medical school but at this time we cannot give you any further information about the status of your application. We have no way of predicting how many, if any, offers of admission will need to be made to waitlisted candidates. I assure you that we will convey the final decision on your application as soon as we are able.










M. Shandling, M.D., FRCP©


Associate Dean, Admissions & Student Finance


Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto

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