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Need Some Adivce - What Should I do??

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Hey Everyone,


I'm seriously considering applying to the US, but I know my MCAT is on the low-side. I'm not sure if I rewrote in July and got a better score (for August) - is that better than applying really early with my current score?


I'm not sure if this is even correct, but if the AMCAS scale on this website is right, then my GPA is ~3.83. My MCAT is 28S (9/10/9).


I understand that because of rolling admissions, the earlier you apply the better your chances are... but I don't know, is it better to just hold off until August (when I get my rewrite score) or apply now with those stats. Can you still interview/get in with such a late application? I have a tonne of good extracurricular activities and volunteering, but no real research experience (asides from volunteering in a lab).


Anyway, hopefully somebody can help me out - this applying to the US business is confusing! :P

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If you can become complete at schools by September 1st, then you should be in a good position. I feel it's pushing it though since from personal experience, I found it better to be complete in early August.


You are also pinning a lot of application time and money on a successful MCAT rewrite. A 28 is not a competitive score stateside.


As for a greencard, it would probably be too late now for it to make any difference given how long it takes to process. But if you were a PR/greencard, then it would make a huge difference - access to financial aid, Stafford loans, less competitive stats required.

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So you don't think, even if I applied really early and just went with a 28, that I'd have a chance anywhere. I'm not really hoping for much, but if I had a bit of a shot at some schools - I think it's better to just give it a shot. I'm not really concerned about the money for applications, so much as if I would even have a shot at some of the schools.


I'd really like Wayne or Michigan State, but I know my score is really low. I was wondering if being fully ready by end of June would help with that problem at all...

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I'm pretty sure I know a lot that got in with a 31-32; you definitely don't need a 34+, but I don't know anyone with a 34 that didn't get an interview there.


Law, I think it is too low. It would be exceptionally tough for you to get an acceptance. my suggest is that you should rewrite. Besides 200 dollars and time, you have nothing to lose if you rewrite. Your 28S will hold for queen's if they decide to keep their insane R cutoff for this year, since they take the best MCAT score. Regardless, if you don't get off the waitlist at Queen's then you need to expand your options - UWO, UMan, UCal, UofA, US schools.

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34 is the number they toss around for Canadians on SDN...I guess you should take that with a grain of salt. (Coincidentally I'm starting at Wayne this fall with a 34).


Mid tier schools are still MD schools - ie competitive. I think what makes them "easy" to get into is that they are more impressed with stats than the top tiers (my opinion).

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Thanks for the advice guys.


I am definitely going to re-write, there's no doubt about that. I just wanted to see if I would have any shot applying with the current score, and a super early (i.e. handed in by this week application). Seems like it's nearly impossible to get in with the stats though, I might just give it a shot, just for the sake of applying - but I guess, realistically, I shouldn't expect anything.


I'm not sure when I'm going to rewrite yet, we'll see where I am in 2 week's time. ;):)

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i also am getting the impression august is not really late... it is not early but it isnt late either so maybe u will be ok even to end of august?


my query is something similar... i have a decent mcat score 33N... i am rewriting in 2 weeks and submitting my primary by mid july. if for example i do worse on a section or seomthing will they consider my earlier score at all?

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flamesfan, that really depends on the school you are applying to. Some schools (the majority of them) will look at your latest MCAT score, but there are those that take the highest section from each MCAT you have written, and others (Jefferson I believe) that will average your MCAT scores.

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^^ thanks Tan.


in your opinion should i rewrite I am so worried since all my practice exams are going about the same way 33-34 but VR could range from 9-11 and there nothing i can do about that. writing shoudl improve to at least an O-P range. I have to rewrite for the canadian cut offs whihc i really hate.

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^^ thanks Tan.


in your opinion should i rewrite I am so worried since all my practice exams are going about the same way 33-34 but VR could range from 9-11 and there nothing i can do about that. writing shoudl improve to at least an O-P range. I have to rewrite for the canadian cut offs whihc i really hate.


Oh man, I'm so the wrong person to ask. In my opinion 33 in a good score, but N isn't. WS isn't as important for the states, so it shouldn't hinder you too much. However, if you are serious about applying to Canadian schools and you think you have a decent chance of getting in then you would have to rewrite the MCAT one way or another to get passed the WS cut offs. It's a tough call because you might do better on the MCAT but you might not. But I think if you study hard you can pull it off. Best of luck regardless of what you decide to do.

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A friend of mine was completely verified by the end of August and managed to receive 3 interviews SLU, Wayne, NYMC - 34 and 3.65 gpa. Its not too late at all. You would however lose the edge you get when applying early. September, however, is a different story.


Go for it Law, I can only imagine that the interview experience will be beneficial, and holding an acceptance from the US while going to your Cdn interviews is definitely an ego booster.

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Hey i am in similar shape as law...maybe you can kill two birds with one stone?

I had 31S MCAT, with verbal being the lowest one (8). However as an added twist I have no English classes and I think there are very few schools that accept Canadians with no english classes. Can some voodoos shed some light on my issue as well (while mooching off Law's thread)?. Like, when should I send my letters/fill the application out?

ps. GPA was 3.85ish.


I think almost every school, if not every school, in the US requires a full year of English. Are you planning on taking it this upcoming year?


Apply early...as in...NOW. I would try to get primary (AMCAS) application done in July and complete secondaries by August if I were you. Don't put it off any later than that. AMCAS is already accepting application submissions, so get on it!

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What if we're scheduling a re-write in early July? Submit now stipulating that a rewrite is in order or submit in early August with the score?


I've been hearing that my application may get tossed into the incomplete pile, and to wait until August. Then again, applying early has been the name of the game.

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What if we're scheduling a re-write in early July? Submit now stipulating that a rewrite is in order or submit in early August with the score?


I've been hearing that my application may get tossed into the incomplete pile, and to wait until August. Then again, applying early has been the name of the game.


submit now because at least that way your application will be processed by AMCAS - that's the long part. your application WONT be processed by the individual schools (i.e. tossed into the incomplete pile)..BUT you can complete secondaries and get your reference letters in so that when your scores arrive in august everything will be ready to go.

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