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Canadian med school graduates doing US residencies

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Just wondering if anyone has any insight on the likelihood of students graduating from Canadian med schools matching for US residencies. I am a Canadian citizen and a US permanent resident card holder and have been accepted to a Canadian med school, but would like to return to the US for residency. Anyone have any personal experiences or heard of any stories that they would like to share??


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  • 4 weeks later...
Just wondering if anyone has any insight on the likelihood of students graduating from Canadian med schools matching for US residencies. I am a Canadian citizen and a US permanent resident card holder and have been accepted to a Canadian med school, but would like to return to the US for residency. Anyone have any personal experiences or heard of any stories that they would like to share??



I have Canadian friends who went to US, and I myself graduated from Canadian med school.


If your eventual goal is US residency, definitely do your med school in the US. The curriculum is much better geared towards USMLE Step 1 and 2, which you'll need to do well. The schedule is better suited for US electives and exam prep. Finally the school will be better known to the programs.


You are lucky that you have permanent US resident status, as you won't have to deal with US visa issues. And in your case, there are much better residency choices, in terms of number of spots, particularly for competitive residency positions.

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