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how earlier should you get letters?


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so i'm sure we've all been told by upper years to get our letters early, but how early should be we be asking our preceptors to write them. We had a talk from carms recently and the lady told us that the reference letter topics and requirments change little if any from year to year and that it would be ok to start getting letters now.


however, later on we were told that if things do change, your preceptors would be pretty PO'ed to have to rewrite letters again.


is anyone going to risk it and just start getting preceptors to write letters based on last years topics?

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Let them know as soon as possible if you would like a letter.. they don't necessarily have to write it, but this way they can jot down notes while you are still fresh in their minds.


In July, you can start submitting your letters. At that time, you can ask formally for the letters. Doctors are human too and may still leave the letters until November, so it is best to set the deadline earlier than it really is. CaRMS really becomes backlogged 2-3 weeks before the deadline, and it could take a 1 week for a document to be scanned in. (It is also best to get your CV, notarized passport, etc in way before the deadline as well - otherwise you will be panicing whether it was received properly).

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