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Internation Study Center (exchange??)

Guest Jose007

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Guest Jose007

I am deciding if it would be a good idea to pursue this program. It is by Queen's University and is like an exchange program at Herstmonceux Castle, England. The experience is very rewarding and appealing to me however I don't know if I am at a time where making a decision to go overseas for the winter term will be a good idea. If I go on this exchange, I will only have to take Arts elective courses (I'm in science) because they do not offer science courses. Would you suggest someone with a GPA slightly below 3.0 to go on this program in 3rd year (for the winter term)? Some part of me really says that it is probably the only time in my life when I can enjoy such once in a lifetime experience. But the other side of me tells me that I need to prioritize my academics (obtain higher GPA) before this. I hope to hear some responses from anyone. Thanks in advance. =)

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Guest Jochi1543

At our school, they usually don't approve students with GPAs below 3.0 for study abroad, because these students are likely to have a disastrous academic experience while away. If you are having a difficult time at home, it is only likely to get worse when you add the stress of study abroad. I would go talk to a study abroad advisor and address academic issues with him or her before doing anything.

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Guest NurseEpi

Hi there,


I don't want to discourage you from applying, but from my experience, the International Study program at Queen's Herstmonceux Castle (England) is extremely competitive. But it's certainly worth applying, even if you have to make up a semester down the road to complete all your science courses. Just my thoughts,



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Guest satsumargirl

Hi Jose007,


I just wrote a long post and it just disappeared :\


So to sum up my last post....it never hurts to apply and you can worry about whether you should do it once you know the possibility exists.


I am a huge fan of experiences abroad. And someone already mentionned that even if you go and the semester doesnt`work out for you then you can just make it up by taking an extra year. Which is absolutely not the end of the world (though to some it may seem that way).


There are things that are worthwhile learning that can`t be taught in a classroom. I took a year off in high school to go to Europe and another year off in univ to experience some of my own country (Canada). Absolutely no regrets.


So if the opportunity presents itself and you feel it is right for you...go for it. It may even be what you need to help you focus when you get back. If this specific opportunity doesn`t present itself and you still think an opportunity abroad is for you...then consider taking a year off and volunteer abroad, go to a language school...or whatever.


My 2 cents!


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Guest Jose007

Jee thanks everyone. I really appreciate all your advices. I guess if someone can clear more one thing for me, it'll really help me decide on this. I have managed to get into this program, so right now it's just a matter of me taking it or not. That's why I'm here. =)

See the problem is... I'm in my second year right now and so far I don't have any previous years about 3.3 GPA and I really would like to apply to meds after my 3rd year like most people. If I take this program I have no idea how difficult those Arts courses I'll be taking there will be for me. Also, can one of you please tell me if it will look bad (perhaps if I do manage to get a "good" GPA from it) for me to take so many electives that year. I think most schools (like UWO) will not even count that year then. I'm sorry for making this so long, but I really like the advice all of you have to give. (y)

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Guest Jochi1543

I doubt anybody would look badly at you taking so many electives in one year - you have a reason, you won't have any other options! If this concerns you, I'm sure it could be explained with a simple note on your application stating that you took a higher number of electives because you were on a study abroad program which did not offer science courses.


As far as whether the arts courses will be difficult - it's hard to say without having had any experience with the program. I again suggest tracking down the study abroad advisor at your school, and also possibly finding several people at your school who've gone there and who could share their experiences with you.


Some programs are very easy, some are same as your home school, but graded very differently (I know a lot of my schoolmates who studied abroad in Australia were extremely disappointed with how our school converted their study abroad grades to our system), and some are much harder. When I was in Japan, for example, I ended up in 2 undergrad courses that were also cross-listed as graduate classes. While in one of them the professor made a clear distinction between undergrad and grad students in terms of the assignments, in the other one I had to do just as much work as the graduate students - hundreds of pages of very complicated readings, 8 short papers throughout the semester, and then a 60-page paper at the end of the semester. I did alright, got a B, but it was VERY hard for me to be in that class. The other gripe I had was that my study abroad school did not have a +/- system - only letter grades. So I know numerically my B was actually a B+ - but due to that university's grading system, it's now a B on my transcript.

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Guest satsumargirl

Hey Again :)


From what I understand you will be taking Queen's courses while abroad, correct? (taught by Queen's profs etc..)


So, would it be possible for you to discuss your concerns with any profs who have participated in the program? And/or any students who have taken the courses...keep in mind though what is "easy" for one person may not be for another.


There is a spot on the application form where you can mention reasons for any discrepency in your transcripts, if taking all electives concerns you.


I really wouldn`t worry about needing to apply after 3rd year "like everyone else". I don`t know the numbers in terms of applicants, but the majority of my class did not come in from 3rd year.


This sounds like an interesting opportunity and it may just come at a cost...such as taking an extra year before applying to med school...you have to decide for yourself whether it is worth it to you. (And since your GPA of 3.3 over the last 2 years is under the cut-offs for most schools I know of, you may likely need to take an extra year anyway)

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