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Hey everyone,


A few months ago in the pm101 chat, I mentioned how some of the information here regarding applying to medical school was starting to become out of date and somewhat fragmented.


This was especially the case when I was applying to US schools. I spent a lot of time reading the threads in this forum, messaging past applicants, and trying to corroborate what's true and what's false. Half the battle was finding out if something posted two years ago was still relevant today.


Consequently, I figured a wiki type system would be effective at sharing information, allowing everyone, from the frequent contributors to the lurkers, to informally and easily share the bits of information they've acquired during the application process and even while in medical school (that's if people are willing).


Hopefully people will find this useful. I wrote a 'guide' to applying to the US that answers a lot of the basic Qs. It still has a lot of work to be done.


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This is a pretty sweet resource KennethToronto. I at one point was (and still am) thinking of applying to the US and couldn't find the info I needed in the US forum and if I did, it was likely outdated and not relevent now. I think it's pretty cool of you to start something like this to help us out. My usual reply to me when asked is, "Go to teh US applican'ts forum," "Go to SDN," "buy the MSAR book," or "ask Madz (:P). Lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...
hey Kenneth, are your sure that GPA conversion table is right? I am asking that becuz there does not seem to be any way for accounting for gpa's between 3.7 and 4.


Hi ghart,


The GPA conversion table (http://wiki.studentdoc.ca/index.php/Applying_to_the_US#GPA_Conversion) is lifted directly from the official AMCAS website, so I'm quite sure of its accuracy (the direct link to it is also available).


When converting to AMCAS GPAs, only 3.7 and 4.0 exist (at least for Canadians). 3.8, 3.9 etc do not exist.


Also, since I didn't attend every university in Canada, for the people who have been verified, please feel free to add your information to the wiki.

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