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I thought this thread might be interesting for all of the first time MCATers;)


Experienced MCATers, please answer the following questions:


1). What prep courses/ prep materials were you using and were they helpful?

2). What were you scoring on the practice tests?

3). How did you feel about your "readiness" the day of the exam?

4). How did you feel about your performance right after?

5). What score did you end up getting?

6). Were you a Science major?



7). Any additional comments are welcome:D


Thank you for your participation! I am sure this website has saved a lot of premed lives!:D

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Meh, I'll bite


1) Kaplan course with classroom instruction. Classroom was a waste of time and money, I wish I just bought the books.

2) Lowest 33, highest 40. I only wrote Kaplan tests, though. I wish I wrote AAMC instead, their scale is significantly more accurate

3) Good

4) Good, except I thought verbal was the hardest one I'd ever written (BS, WS, and PS went well)

5) 34R (13 BS, 12 PS, 9 VR)

6) Yes, with all MCAT subjects taken already


7) Like I said, Kaplan's tests are unrealistic. They're too hard (especially PS) and the scaling is way, way off (I got a 15 in BS once with 87%, not going to happen). Also, don't neglect writing.

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