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Who is writing August 9th?


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Those who are writing in 9 days from now...how your prep coming along. I'm doing as many practice tests as I can over the next week. But I wish I had a little more time to study. I have been neglecting preparing for the WS, and my VR scores are all over the place.

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Hey I'm writing August 9 in Edmonton. Prep hasn't been great lol. Honestly I haven't even started WS practice, and my VR is just getting to 10. I think the sciences are doing alright... hopefully :D. The problem is I still can't consentrate for more than the PS part. After that my mind is all over the place. I'm hoping to do one practice test this week. After that I'm just crossing my fingers and hoping for the best...

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I'm writing August 9th in Ottawa. Prep hasn't been going too well. The only OK section is the physical, which I consistently get over 10. But verbal, it's all over the place from an 8-11, mostly 9-10ish. I'm still trying to get more writing samples done, but I usually take 45 minutes / sample. ugh... I hope a miracle happens, lol.

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I am not writing on 9th so pardon my intrusion.


But regarding VR I am too taking longer than approx. 10 min/passage (much longer). Despite that I am hanging at 9 to 11. I was doing Kaplan VR and seemingly they are (a lot) easier than the AAMC VR as people here say. Anyone else feels that Kaplan is that easy?? I certainly don't.

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I am not writing on 9th so pardon my intrusion.


But regarding VR I am too taking longer than approx. 10 min/passage (much longer). Despite that I am hanging at 9 to 11. I was doing Kaplan VR and seemingly they are (a lot) easier than the AAMC VR as people here say. Anyone else feels that Kaplan is that easy?? I certainly don't.


yes Kaplan VR is that easy...once you see the AAMC you'll first think...**** I can finally read these passages...then once you see the questions you'll go ****...I can finally answer the questions...then when your score comes back...you'll just say ****!!

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I have been sticking to the AAMC VR. I tried a few Kaplan VR and found that the questions were mostly recall and not nearly as complex as then actual MCAT questions. The passages maybe similar in style/format, but the AAMC questions are tricky. I think what would help you, is to get used to the MCAT VR questions, because they really differ from Kaplans. I have been trying to do the EK VR 101, but have only been able to do about 3 tests. EK's VR is very similar to AAMC, maybe a bit harder. I find that I do better in the CBT sections vs. the full length tests.

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Personally, I don't see a significant difference between Kaplan VR and AAMC VR passages/ questions. I have been getting similar percentages on both (slightly better on AAMC, in fact). Its just the scaling on AAMC thats so hard. On Kaplan Full Lengths with 65% in VR, I'll get a 10-11. But on AAMC, with that mark, I'll get 8-9.

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I'm writing aug 9th in Edmonton as well. Kinda nervous but will be so glad to get it over with. I am so sick of studying!!!! As for VR, I have consistently used the AAMC practice tests. At first I was scoring terrible scores. During these tests I was highlighting and spending alot of time paying attention to the details of the passages. I started to get frustrated and would just read the passage once, no highlighting and not spending much time go over the detailed descriptions of the passages. At this point I started scoring 11+ consistently. I find that if you get the general idea of the passage, and the stance the author is taking, +90% of the questions can be answered with common sense.

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I have only done one CBT, but did about 5 full length AAMC verbals, and I do find my scores being pretty much the same, but Kaplan focus their questions more on recall/ details than the author's opinions and assumptions. So although the marks are the same, I think it'd be harder to increase your verbal score on the real deal from studying Kaplan since they do have different focuses.

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I thought it was ok....I ran out of time on both essays (finished them but didn't get a chance to go over and finess or do a good proof read)....other than that I thought it was fair, regardless of how badly I may have done! There were a few bio passages though that were like WTF are u talking about....either that or I was super hungry and tired at that point!

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I thought it was ok....I ran out of time on both essays (finished them but didn't get a chance to go over and finess or do a good proof read)....other than that I thought it was fair, regardless of how badly I may have done! There were a few bio passages though that were like WTF are u talking about....either that or I was super hungry and tired at that point!


I totally know what your talking about on the bio section.....a couple of those passages were way out there!

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I am SO happy to be done (for now). I wrote the PM section and I thought it was pretty fair. I didn't run out of time for any of them, which I was super happy about. But, I thought the Physical sciences was a bit tricky. There was one passage about the image of an insect and a water drop that made me so angry! So that's the section I'm worried about. VR was ok, Bio was ok but it had more orgo than I expected.

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I totally know what your talking about on the bio section.....a couple of those passages were way out there!


OMG, me too! I usually finish bio with 20 minutes to spare, but I don't know if I was way tired at that point or the headache the flashing monitor gave me, but I had to guess the last 2 questions to finish on time. There was one physical science question on electricity I was like WTF. Verbal was just as bad as it usually is for me. And my test centre's chairs are squeaky as hell, and so uncomfy. Also the AC was broken today. So imagine a room of 20 people with 20 computers heating it and no AC. I was pouring in sweat. Sheesh! The proctors were really nice and friendly. At least it's over with, and I told my proctor I will see her in two month's time. Lol. Now i can finally enjoy my summer vacation!

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Yea, I found the MCAT yesterday pretty difficult. I thought PS was alright and I don't even want to comment on VR because I'm never sure how well I do on it until I get the results. But most of the passages were somewhat lengthy. I had issues with the second prompt which shook me up for the BS and my head was aching and I just wanted to nap. Ha but of course that's not a really great thing to do. Bt corn passage with 8 questions.... hello VR?

There were questions on there that I would never think they would ask.

Nothing like the AAMC tests I've done, IMO, it was almost as if I did a Kaplan full length but lengthier.

I'm relieved it's over. Now the applications!

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hey guys,


i just had a few questions regarding the test experience. im scheduled to write my MCAT on the 5th of september.


i was curious to know if anyone had used their noise reduction earplugs and if they were any good?


as for the monitors are they all equally crappy and flashy as some?



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Yes I used the headsets they provided which I found useful. Especially during Verbal as some others were on to the WS and typing was noisy. My screen was very flashy, but I got used to it after a while.


I am a little stressed about the PS section, anyone else found it difficult or is it just me :( . There were so many questions that asked what is the CLOSEST answer....and it was no where near what I calculated, so I did actually pick the closest answer, but I'm worried I caculated all these wrong. I never found that type of question on any practice test.

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hmm, i thought it was okay... although the BS had a lot more orgo than i anticipated and some random questions lol.. there were like 5 rooms with computer stations and 1 of them had dell LCD monitors. of course, i wasn't lucky enough to get booked into that room.. i think the CRT resolution made verbal look a lot longer and intimidating (scroll much, yeah?).. also, one of the orgo reaction pathways took up so much room i had to side scroll over to see it too. haha


do you guys know if the morning section had the same questions as the afternoon? if so, i'm assuming the whole testing population of aug 9 counts towards the same curve?

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I also wrote on the 9th and seems like I had a similar experience to many people.


PS was harder than usual, especially that one passage about like random filtration stuff with Mo and P (ya you can tell I really understood what was going on there...:rolleyes: ). VR, I found lengthier than usual but difficulty was normal. WS, second prompt gave me troubles as well and I think that, or just being tired, made me really slow/dumb at BS. I got a 12 on BS last time I wrote, but I'd be lucky if I got a 10 this time :| - like chromatography and Rf factor (lab techniques) passage?? I really should have read that stuff since it is easy, but I just assumed/hoped there wouldn't be any passages on lab tech stuff :(

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I wrote on August 9th. I found the PS difficult. I found myself marking 1/3 of the questions. Alot of my calculations weren't matching the answer choices. I though VS, WS, and BS were all okay. BS did have more Orgo than the practice tests but I thought it was fair.

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Hi guys


I wrote in the AM as well on Aug 9. Thanks for the posts because I too found the PS and BS sections to be harder than usual, and the VR to be longer than usual! I was almost ready to void the test, but figured it's the last time i'll be writing so I might as well find out what I got :) Well, so glad that's over! Now it's time for summer to begin....or what's left of it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Does anybody know when the scores will be released for this test date? I know it takes ~30 days, but some of the tentative dates listed on the AAMC website are 27-28 days from the test date. I couldn't find any date on the AAMC website for Aug. 9th however. I am just wondering if anybody has been able to find an official date for the score release.

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