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Should i rewrite?


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Why the hell would you want to apply everywhere? What a waste of time and money.


I wouldn't rewrite given your province. You should have no problems getting an interview/accepted to Dal, barring a bad interview. You won't get interviews at places with strict MCAT cutoffs though with that VR score (Queens, Western)

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Sticky isn't just for trolls, it's for legit people too!


Perhaps I should make a sequel flow chart titled: "Should I rewrite the MCAT"


pretty easy to figure out.


1. what schools do you want to go to?

2. can you make those cutoffs?

3. what schools do you have left to consider?

4. with your mcat score can you make it into these schools?

5. do you want to go to these schools?

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I am wanting to apply to all canadian school.

I wrote MCAT last summer (aug 07) and got 11P 9B 4V O = 24O

I wrote again this year (July 8) and got 14P 13B 8V Q= 35Q

Would it worth it to write again?


If you want to apply to Ontario, yes.


A score of 8 in VR precludes you from Western, Queen's and UofT.


However, you might be able to get into Ottawa or Mac with an almost perfect GPA.

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I would never re-write with a score like that. you're more likely to go down than up. U of T only uses the MCAT as a flag. try for all the places in canada where you might have a shot (e.g. maybe not western or queens, but the requirements change year to year), and as a backup apply to the states as soon as possible. You could get into a great school like Northwestern, NYU, etc. and thats only if you don't get in at a canadian school.

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u listed off all the top tier US schools - with an 8 in verbal, sorry to say you dont have a reasonable shot at those schools. I cant really give you much more information than that because I dont know whether your spoken english is any better than your reading/comprehension.

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u listed off all the top tier US schools - with an 8 in verbal, sorry to say you dont have a reasonable shot at those schools. I cant really give you much more information than that because I dont know whether your spoken english is any better than your reading/comprehension.


actually, you listed some mid-tier schools in there, so perhaps you have a chance. It all depends on your interview skills, financial resources and the specific school you are applying to.

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