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writing the second time around


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Just looking for some advice from those more experienced than I. What were your studying strategies when you wrote for the second time around? Was it content, or practice exams, etc and for how long did you study before writing? One last thing, when did you re-write? Thanks in advance!

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Hello there,

I rewrote the test in July after being slayed last august, and scored 9 points higher this time around. I'm a bit of a special case because I've never taken bio or organic, but I think what I have to say will apply to everyone, and is certainly not new advice. Do as many practise problems/ tests as you can, and review them extensively. While the test does involve critical thinking, it also tests a lot of the same topics. I think if you manage to do enough practise questions, you honestly can cover most of the topics on the test, and you will see questions on the mcat that you've seen versions of before. The cbt is all about getting an extra couple questions right, and it really helps if you're getting freebies during the test. So just realize that there is a limit on what they can ask you, and you'll have the upper hand if you have experience handling them. Also, if you're anything like me, you'll remember the questions you've gotten wrong a lot better than something you passively read.

Good luck.

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