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Wayne State vs. Dartmouth


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Which school is better?


In terms of:

1- location

2- tuition / cost of living

3- match rates

4- night life / city life / student life whatever


I live in Vancouver so I'd sort of like to find another city that is pretty identical for a medical school.. it seems like detroit would probably be the next best thing?


I know most of the information can be done by doing a search on each schools website.. but I'd figure I'd just ask it here incase other people already knew or incase other newb's out there want fast information next time they do a search.

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1) Are you OG? then you might like Wayne better. Are you into cottage country and cold winters? then Dartmouth is for you

2) any school >> wayne for tuition, with the exception of MSU

3) Can't really judge match rates because they vary from year to year. Wayne has solid clinical experience in store for you, dartmouth does as well, but dartmouth may outshine with the different opportunities you have (international track)...a41 where are you on this one!

4) depends, do you like clubbing? go to wayne. Do you like takin it easy and being out in the country? go to dartmouth.

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Which school is better?


In terms of:

1- location

2- tuition / cost of living

3- match rates

4- night life / city life / student life whatever


I live in Vancouver so I'd sort of like to find another city that is pretty identical for a medical school.. it seems like detroit would probably be the next best thing?


I know most of the information can be done by doing a search on each schools website.. but I'd figure I'd just ask it here incase other people already knew or incase other newb's out there want fast information next time they do a search.

Did you receive an interview for Dartmouth?


1. Depends. Hanover is in the middle of nowhere (literally). Wayne State's in inner city Detroit. So you are really talking about two complete opposites.

2. Dartmouth, by far. You absolutely need a car though.

3. No idea, but I imagine both schools do well. Wayne State has a bit of a bad rep because of its location, not because of the education. Actually, from an educational standpoint Detroit is probably quite awesome.

4. Don't know. But I do know that class dynamic between two will be completely different because dartmouth = small class and wayne state = huge class.

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I don't think Detroit is like Vancouver at all.

For one, downtown Vancouver can be a bit shady, but Detroit is really up there in terms of crime rate.

University of Washington would have been a great fit for you.

Seattle seems really identical to Vancouver in many ways.

AND it also has the hottest neurosurgeon in the country.

But they don't accept international students.

It's too bad because it seems like a good school.

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Which school is better?


In terms of:

1- location

2- tuition / cost of living

3- match rates

4- night life / city life / student life whatever


I live in Vancouver so I'd sort of like to find another city that is pretty identical for a medical school.. it seems like detroit would probably be the next best thing?


I know most of the information can be done by doing a search on each schools website.. but I'd figure I'd just ask it here incase other people already knew or incase other newb's out there want fast information next time they do a search.


Tuition is through the roof for Wayne State. The most expensive.

Dartmouth is certainly a more reputable school. In terms of education, however, I have no idea.

Dartmouth has a small class size 74, or thereabouts.

I think Detroit is a more interesting local than Hanover. But if you like small towns, Hanover is rated the best place to live in America.

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Which school is better?


In terms of:

1- location

2- tuition / cost of living

3- match rates

4- night life / city life / student life whatever


I live in Vancouver so I'd sort of like to find another city that is pretty identical for a medical school.. it seems like detroit would probably be the next best thing?


I know most of the information can be done by doing a search on each schools website.. but I'd figure I'd just ask it here incase other people already knew or incase other newb's out there want fast information next time they do a search.


1. Location is a very personal matter. I can only speak about Detroit. The local demographics in Detroit create great opportunities for students interested in community outreach projects. There are so many student run free clinics here it's not even funny. If you like wearing your white coat with a stethoscope and working on clinical skills outside of school Wayne is great! We probably get to see an interesting variety of cases (today we were doing simple neurologic exams on patients with nerve damage - you might not get the GSW or stab victims in Hannover). I'm planning on spending a night in the ER at Detroit Receiving (Level 1 trauma center) the week after our first exam, so I'll let you know what it's really like. Wayne's location is the best part imo.


Don't be scared by the prospect of living in Detroit - I think its reputation is a bit exaggerated.


2. Tuition is....high at Wayne. Definitely the biggest con (maybe the only).


3. Schools like to pimp match rates, but I think matching to a residency has more to do with an individual than their school (it does for me now anyways). Someone from Wayne matched to Stanford last year...yay? I've heard that matching has a lot to do with who you know. You're not going to match into a program where no one knows you. Going to a bigger name school will maybe put you in a better position for networking, but going to a bigger school (ie Wayne) might also be an advantage since there are more alumni you can seek out to do externships (Wayne has a huge and active alumni association in California for example, where a lot of students come from). If you don't have the board scores and grades none of this matters anyways.


4. Wayne may or may not be the best of both worlds. There is a sizeable chunk of the student population that lives in the suburbs, and there is a library/lecture hall out there where they stream some of the lectures in case you don't want to come in/are scared of the city. There are plenty of sports facilities around the city and out in the burbs (golf, hockey, basketball, whatever floats your boat - ok maybe not sailing). A lot of casinos (haha), great sports teams (except for the Lions), there's the Detroit Auto Show. It is easy to find something to do. A lot of students here spend their limited free time working clinics/participating in some organization too.


In the end, we all graduate MDs no matter what school we go to. Where you go to school will probably have a large effect on your medical career and focus, but this is why they have interviews. Schools want to find students who will fit into their program. Where you get accepted will probably give you some indication of where you should go!

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In terms of:

1- location

2- tuition / cost of living

3- match rates

4- night life / city life / student life whatever


1-Detroit is a big urban centre with a higher than average crime rate. Hanover is a small town in a cottage country environment (You can run into deer sometimes driving on the roads) If you want something similar to Vancouver then obviously Detroit is the choice but I'd choose Hanover.


2-DMS (by a LONG shot)


3-As others have written, it depends on you but DMS is ranked in the 30s while Wayne is not even on the list. If you care about ranking and prestige. I will say that Wayne is KNOWN for it's clinical rotations - students get to do a lot of hands-on work and b/c it's a large urban centre with lots of crime, you get to see a lot of things during clerkships that you won't see at DMS.


4-Again, Detroit is a city whereas Hanover is a small town (thus, detroit's nightlife, ethnic food, clothing stores, culturual events, etc will be more fleshed out). Student life - well, Wayne's grading system is curved and you receive % grades, there's 300+ students in your class, most of whom don't bother going to class b/c it's all online. Thus, I'm assuming that Wayne will be kinda like undergrad if you went to UBC.


DMS - regular Pass/Fail system (maybe honours too, can't remember - reduces competition right?). Class size is smaller so there's probably more comraderie amongst the students.


I'd recommend you just go to your interviews first, check out the school, the students, and the city/town before you develop any ideas of where you'd like to go. Toronto is probably like Vancouver? Big city? People from small towns think toronto is crime ridden? got its dangeruous areas? Well - I doubt you'd ever have a shuttle driver tell you "Uh yea, you can take the buses that go to the suburbs but I wouldn't take the buses that service the city" (which is what happened in Detroit)...in fact, Toronto is VERY SAFE compared to Detroit and St.Louis. Never worried about being in popular places...in St. Louis, the hotel suggested I get taken to and from the bus station (popular public destination, not like it was in a quiet isolated area) by their security van...

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  • 3 months later...
Which school is better?


In terms of:

1- location

2- tuition / cost of living

3- match rates

4- night life / city life / student life whatever


I live in Vancouver so I'd sort of like to find another city that is pretty identical for a medical school.. it seems like detroit would probably be the next best thing?


I know most of the information can be done by doing a search on each schools website.. but I'd figure I'd just ask it here incase other people already knew or incase other newb's out there want fast information next time they do a search.


def go to dartmouth!


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That is funny.


But, I hear the crime rate in Detroit isn't as bad as one'd expect.


NYC, LA could be much worse? Anyone got stats on this?


lol .. where'd you hear that? detroit has one of the highest crime rates in america. def higher than LA or NYC. the congressional quarterly pressed ranked it num #3 in 2008 behind new orleans and camden.


never applied to wayne so i can't comment on the area around the school but there are many good med schools in higher crime areas. when i interviewed at columbia, i was told that wash heights was not that gr8 of an area and hopkins is in a rougher part of baltimore too. if you want a nice safe, poshy area with lots of sunshine .. go to stanford !!! :)

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