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Graduate Students

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I'm sorry if this is completely obvious but I'm a bit brain dead (writing MCAT on Saturday...) so I'm not sure what I'm reading anymore.


Are you saying that if you've completed a grad degree, that those marks count as one of the full-time years for Dal's admissions purposes? Does it matter how many courses you took during your masters? I've looked throughout their website and applicant manual and I couldn't find anything about graduate marks so I'm just curious how you found this out.




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Hi “Panicked”…


I don’t know how much weight is assigned to grad school courses. When you think about it, you only take several courses and the rest is a research project with a thesis that is “pass” or “fail”. I don’t think you should consider them as a semester of courses. However, I don’t know how much weight is given to them. You would have to contact Student Affairs with that question. I know that they count grad school courses, but that is the extent of my knowledge.


Cinnamon, best of luck with the MCAT on Saturday. As for the grad degree question, the grad years don't count as one of the full-time years for admission purposes, but this is to the best of my knowledge, which is imperfect. :D Different grad degrees have different course requirements and it depends on whether or not you where doing a grad degree by thesis or by course. I know that they count through personal experience after having applied with a Master’s for Dal Med. If you have further questions about weighting assignment for grad marks, it would be best to email the Student Admissions office. They can clarify this much better than I can. :P


I hope this information helps. As always, if you have a question, it’s better to email SA rather than relying on second-hand information. Just give them some leeway when it comes to response times. They have many, many, many email requests coming in daily and on top of all that, they also have to deal with the several hundred medical students already at Dal Med. :o Those ladies also provide free candy! They are miracle workers.


Take care,




Dal Med 2010

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