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Sept. 5 MCAT


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Does anybody else feel like they have OCD and keep checking over and over to see if the scores are up yet? I know they said 5pm but I'm hoping they mean earlier.


It probably will be earlier!!!! some people have been getting their marks around 3pm.


I had two dreams/nightmares about the scores. 1) I did really well...but then I woke up. 2) I did well on all the science, but TERRIBLE on VR.



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Why, if they know the score release will be delayed, they do not put the info on the website!!!!!:mad:


AMCAAS Sucks!!!


This is what pisses me off the most. I understand that things sometimes don't go as planned, but at least provide the common courtesy of letting us all know!

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I think everyone needs to take a pill. The website specifically says the scores will be released AFTER 5EST. It isn't even 6EST and you guys are freaking out at the AAMC. If the scores are delayed a substantial amount of time (ie- an amount of time that actually matters, not 45 minutes) I'm sure they will let us know. Get angry if they aren't posted today or early tomorrow.... otherwise just take it easy! Stressing isn't going to be productive in this case.

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I think everyone needs to take a pill. The website specifically says the scores will be released AFTER 5EST. It isn't even 6EST and you guys are freaking out at the AAMC. If the scores are delayed a substantial amount of time (ie- an amount of time that actually matters, not 45 minutes) I'm sure they will let us know. Get angry if they aren't posted today or early tomorrow.... otherwise just take it easy! Stressing isn't going to be productive in this case.


I'm not really that distraught about it, just a little disappointed.


And the reason some of us have given up hope on today is just based on the times scores have been released for prior tests. The AAMC office is only open until 6pm EST.

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I have every right to be mad. Don't tell me to take it easy. This happened exactly on the same day last year with the Sept administration. It was delayed by 3 days. This **** occurs too often, and it's unfair.


And you survived last year..... and my guess is you will this year as well. If it's unfair then, in the name of fairness, don't write the MCAT. Otherwise, deal with the AAMC and their policies. Complaining (especially here) isn't going to solve a whole lot.

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And you survived last year..... and my guess is you will this year as well. If it's unfair then, in the name of fairness, don't write the MCAT. Otherwise, deal with the AAMC and their policies. Complaining (especially here) isn't going to solve a whole lot.


The great thing about these forums is that you CAN complain here! Of course we will survive, but it is unfair that AAMC doesn't give us notice. Many of us just want our scores and have been waiting in eager anticipation for this date to arrive. AAMC is a business, we paid an arm and a leg to take this test, and one would hope that they could at the very least be reliable to their anxious test takers!

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*Oops I complained*. Big deal. I think if ppl want to get mad, let them. They'll survive, yes, but it's a stressful time and it feels good to vent a bit. Venting doesn't hurt anybody right now, and if it lets out a bit of stress, why not?


Also, the thread is open to comments. If you don't want to read the venting, there's a nice scroll bar on the side. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that us venting won't bring the MCAT scores out earlier. But I'd rather let it out then stew and keep it in, so vent I shall. Your litte "keep calm message" isn't really necessary.

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