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I am seriously feeling sooo sick. Its at the point where i am in the wave 2 of panick attacks. Wave 1 was all of this week when I was soooo nervous that I used to have stomach aches, jitters when I thought about the mark coming out. I got over it as I was just tired of worrying. lol! Now finding out that today might be the day, its giving me the shivers. Oh God!! please...please!!! I hope this one goes well.

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I am seriously feeling sooo sick. Its at the point where i am in the wave 2 of panick attacks. Wave 1 was all of this week when I was soooo nervous that I used to have stomach aches, jitters when I thought about the mark coming out. I got over it as I was just tired of worrying. lol! Now finding out that today might be the day, its giving me the shivers. Oh God!! please...please!!! I hope this one goes well.


Just when I stopped feeling nauseous...:D


Agh...I really hope they come out today. I don't want to have to wait tomorrow too!

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if the scores come out tomorrow, they are basically meaningless for me, unless when I rewrite tomorrow I do worse, which would really suck.



about that, I was thinking of scamming the system (in ontario at least)... We need to log onto aamc to release the scores correct? So what if we use the august 9th (whenever it comes out) for this year's applicaiton? The deadline for application in Ontario is October 1st, so what if I just use the august 9th score when it comes out, and ignore the september 12th one? I mean the deadline for med application would have passed (by the time september 12 scores come out), and the schools wouldn't know that you did a September 12th mcat if you don't release the scores for it right??

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Just when I stopped feeling nauseous...


Agh...I really hope they come out today. I don't want to have to wait tomorrow too!


lol! sorry man! I had done my MCAT last yr....got a 27R. A 9 on my strongest section physics :eek: , 8 in verbal :eek: , 10 in bio :( ! This yr...I could hardly get myself to study at all. Yet, I was pushing myself to get the MCAT done once and for all with atleast a passing grade of 10 in each + an R so that I could atleast apply to med schools.


This anticipation for the marks everyday isn't too healthy for my heart. lol! :(

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