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The Earlier the Better (easier)?!?


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Based on my experience (I wrote in Jan & Sept), I found Sept. to be of greater difficulty, but I mean this one of several exams and plus I have not got my Sept scores back yet so who knows the scaling might be easier since it was a harder test...But then again, as eng dude said, it all depends on your strengths and weaknesses, but on the other hand being objective, the Sept exam had more calculations for PS and was denser (more info/longer) for all 3 sections as compared to Jan..

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Does anyone know if there is any validity to the idea that the earlier you write your exam, the easier? For example, is the January test "easier" than the September test?


That is absolutely of no relevance to you. If it's easier, then its easier for everyone. If it's harder, then its harder for everyone. Your score/performance is only as good as how it compares to other people. Getting an 80% on an easier test when a lot of people surpassed you is NOT as good as getting a 60% on a test when you ended up being a lot of people.


If you are smart student, then you want the test to be sufficiently difficult. That way you have a margin to out-compete other students. If its too easy, then you won't be able to. Likewise, if it's ridiculously hard, and you are left guessing a lot just like the less bright kids, then it's not good for you.


Since your test is very unlikely to be outrageously hard, you will want to have a difficult test.

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the main advantage of taking the test in january is that you don't have to worry about writing the mcat or about your potential score when doing med school applications, which takes a massive load off your back. i wrote the exam in june ($%#@ing choked) and september and the test is just more stressful because you are in the middle of application season. I really think january would be the way to go.

as everyone else said, difficulty wise shouldn't even be a consideration in your decisions.

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