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any retake success stories?


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yea verbal always kills me too, however compared to last year i was able to improve:


my physics 3points, bio 4points, verbal 4points, writing 2 letters up :rolleyes: okay improvement for two month of study (24O->35Q)


Those are some numbers I must say. On AAMC website, they have tables comparing score increments for multiple test takers. You are on the extreme for all sections; definitely a rare feat. You should be really proud of yourself. :)

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the very first practice exam I took a year ago broke my heart, because I was told verbal is the hardest to change (I received a 4). I have dyslexia so I though it was an insurmountable task, but after a year of working and reading NYTimes editorials everyday between class and pushing myself.


I just got my MCAT scores back and received a 10 in the verbal section (29Q total Bio:10, PS: 9, VR:10). If you have the time, you can work wonders.

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I wrote the MCAT in 2003, 2004 and September 2008. I was able to score 12's in BS/PS, but consistently did terrible on VR. This past year I had a 6 point increase in my VR score :) And thankfully, I will not have to write it again!


The first two times I used PR/Kaplan techniques for VR. This last time, I used EK. Each person is different, but I found that it made a huge difference!

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went from 26R (9PS-8VR-9BS) to 28Q (9PS-10VR-9BS), i know its an improvement but for the amount I studied (i am from a non-science background) i may as well not have improved at all. I think i would have been happier with the mark if i had not gotten such high scores on the aamc practice tests where i would consitently hit low to mid thirties.

we'll see what happens with my applications for this year, but it looks likely i will give it one more kick at the can come april.

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Went from 26 N (10, 7, 9) to 30 O (10, 10, 10) to 33 R (11, 11, 11). So, yeah, I do think that it's more likely that your score will increase rather than decrease provided that you get in more "quality" studying the second or third time around.


And so much of this depends on luck. Sometimes, you get kind of lucky because all your strengths show up on the exam, while other times, you may not be so lucky when all your weaknesses show up.

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I was so happy with my new results!


first write:

july 8

PS-11, VR-8, BS-12, WS-S, overall 31S


Rewrite, Sept 13:

PS- 13, VR- 11, BS-12, WS-T, overall 36T!


O man I am ecstatic! Take the extra time and be confident in your rewrite!

I used Kaplan, McGraw-Hill and Princeton Review to get as much practice as possible. When it comes down to it, you just have to realize that you can probably do better if given another chance.



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