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August 26th scores are out!!!


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my scores are up yay

BS 14

PS 12

VR 9





Last year I got

BS 11

pS 13

VR 8




should I apply to UWO?!!! i didnt get VR 10 :( but whatever, i tried my best.

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Congratulations Everyone!


I got my scores back, and they ended up being better than I had feared! I'm happy!


For everyone that isn't satisfied: it's not the end of the world! I wrote my Round Two this summer, and so much depends upon the actual test day and countless other variables.


Just chin up, buckle down, and know that you'll work harder and perform better next time (because you WILL)!


We can do it!


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I got:


BS - 11

PS - 08 (ouch!)

VR - 10

WS - Q


Total: 29Q


But I ran out of time on PS and did not answer the whole last passage, and probably more, so I knew my score was going to be super low. Plus I felt I had not done as well as I normally do on practice tests due to the PS throwing me off for the rest of the test. Anyways, I re-wrote in September, and good thing I did! Now I can't wait to get my September score because I think I did much better in all sections!!


But congrats to all of you above!

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