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summer before med school

Guest petiD

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Guest petiD

I am starting med school in the fall and am wondering how much weight, if any, a summer research job with the CIHR before I start med school would carry for my CARMS application...

I applied and got the job before I knew I had been accepted to med. It would be researching issues surrounding Aboriginal Peoples' Health. Mostly stats and policy reviewing, I think... They weren't too clear. It's a co-op job and they've never had a co-op student before so I'm not sure they even know what they're going to do with me. Because it's a gov't job, the pay is quite decent.... But I'd have to relocate... for 3 months.

Anyways, I'm still undecided as to whether I want to do the job or not, CARMS aside.. (interesting research subject, money, having to relocate, wanting to take a break from academics before med starts...) But what ABOUT CARMS? Do they even have a spot on the application for pre-med years?

Thanks... sorry for the long post.


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Guest UWOMED2005

Yes, that could end up on a CaRMS application.


It would make you look more interesting on paper. But it's also unlikely to make or break your application!!


I think you should do what you want to do. If you think this job would be interesting and WANT to do it, do it! But DON'T do it just for the impact on CaRMS. . . I don't think it would make enough of an impact to justify being miserable for the summer!

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I did a similar project while in medical school because of my passion for aboriginal health. I have been told that working in an area more directly related to the residency program I plan on applying to this fall may have been a smarter move and could have resulted in a publication with more impact.... but, I can truthfully say I enjoyed the project so much that it did not feel like "work" to me. I am very proud of my results and the changes they will make to the lives of the people I worked with...


Infact, the entire experience really clarified for me the reasons I originally entered medical school and helped me figure out which residency I would like to do.


If you originally applied for the job because you found it interesting then definately consider taking it regardless of CaRMS impact...


On the other hand, if you are feeling burned out (like a lot of people are by the time they enter med) maybe consider taking a break.... even 2 - 4 weeks of free time before starting med school would probably help destress you...


There are a lot of opportunities to do research (if you're in a 4 year program) in med school, so you won't miss the boat completely if you pass this one up... Also, many people (~50%) in your class probably won't have much health related research for their CaRMS application at all... It is not essential to a successful match.


... truthfully though, the job you are describing sounds fabulous!


Good luck in making your decision!

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Guest petiD

Thanks for your responses.

I've decided to take the job with the condition that I get two weeks off before starting school. You're right that it does sound interesting...



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