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Are you given time to consider your answer?


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I think it is a good idea to pause before answering difficult questions, to gather your thoughts as well as give the impression of a considered response. A literal minute of silence might be too long in an actual interview situation, but often silence seems longer from the perspective of the interviewee than from an outside observer, so don't rush. Taping a practice interview will help you get an idea of how your pause sounds to an interviewer. Interview prep will also help make sure you do have a good answer following that pause!

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Take the time to gather your thoughts, but not too much time. You should already have meaningful experiences already brought out to the forefront of your memory as you prepare.


You should pretty much have answers lined up for the following as it will likely come up

1) why medicine/why do you want to be a doctor

2) ethical dilemma you had

3) why collaboration is important/discuss an experience where you collaborated

4) something to say about self directed learning

5) what will you be doing if you don't get into meds

6) what is empathy

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Don't pause too long to consider your answer. I interviewed applicants last year and one applicant took literally 1 - 2 minutes to respond to each question. It was uncomfortable to say the least, and it was the one thing about his interview that I actually remember (and the first thing the other two interviewers commented on).


A better thing to do may be to have a response handy while you formulate your answer. You can always use the "thats an interesting question" or "That is a question I have thought about lately", etc.

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