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question re: C's on transcript

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I was looking at applying to UBC (IP) - I just graduated in Microbiology


However I have a few C's sprinkled on my transcript, and inconsistently. To be honest my average isn't that great 78%, and with a downward trend.


Do you think I should still apply?


I have done 5 years, mostly taking experimental courses, but mostly my marks have suffered because I have been working to support myself throughout undergrad. I have a very strong extracurricular background - varsity sports, lots of leadership skills, volunteering... travelling.


What do you think...



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Why not apply?


Give yourself lots of time to clearly explain your experiences on the online application. Write a good essay. Get a solid MCAT. Nail the interview and you have a good chance of acceptance.


Your average is a bit lower than what they are looking for, but stranger things have happened. Besides, whats the worst that could happen? They say no?

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Definitely apply.


Everyone makes mistakes and goes through hard times. As long as you can explain why it happened and how you're working on not letting yourself get into that position again you'll have a fighting chance.


Usually about 20% of the incoming class has and average sub 80%. Work hard putting together a strong application package and you'll definitely be in the running.


Good luck!



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