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Registration Open Dates


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From last year, I remember the dates for Aug (and I think July as well, but I don't remember the dates earlier than that) weren't open until April-ish.


Registration for most summer dates opened in April last year. Check the MCAT website periodically--they'll give you plenty of notice before registration opens.

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I am taking my first MCAT attempt in the last weekend of April. Do you think its necessary to sign up for dates in the summer as soon as registration opens in the event that my score comes back lower than I hope for, or are there usually enough spots for me to wait for my score in late May and maybe re-take it in July?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

The website now officially says "Registration for the June through September 2009 administration of the MCAT will be open in EARLY MARCH"


So towards the end of feb. beginning of March you should keep an eye out on the website, they will specify the exact date soon.

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