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I am starting my fourth semester in Cegep. I am currently choosing my courses for next semester and I have a choice between Human Anatomy and Physiology and Organic Chemistry II (and Calculus III). Will any of them be more useful than the other when applying to University? I will be applying to MED-P as well.


Thank you

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Well, I'm applying to Med-P too and I'm going in my fourth semester. This was my way to deciding.


Human Anatomy and Physiology might be more useful in medicine but in case you don't make it and decide to take a biology or chemistry undergrad, then organic chem II might be more useful. From what I've heard, Organic II in university is much harder than in CEGEP. Calculus III will be useful if you go into engineering instead of a bio/chem undergrad.


In the end, I chose Organic II as I already took human bio in secondary three. It obviously doesn't go very deep into detail but at least I already have some knowledge of human anatomy.


Also, taking organic II now might make university easier in the sense that your GPA might be higher to try to get into med school.


Finally, MAKE SURE that the courses in your CEGEP are equivalent and accepted by McGill. There is no sense in taking a course if you are not going to get credit for it later. (Only Organic II and Calculus III can be credited by McGill, not human anatomy)


Hope this helps!

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