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I need to find this school


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Hi I need some help to find this school.


Any US medical school that does not require 2xenglish or expository writing courses and does not require 2xorganic labs(I took orgo courses not labs).


Tuition is not super expensive for Canadian students and its not super hard to get into like the Ivy Leagues.



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If and when you find this school, please let us all know. This is like looking for the holy grail of US medical schools: cheap, easy to get into and doesn't require English/organic chem....we all want to go there! In all of my research, I have yet to come across a US med school that doesn't require English and at least one semester of orgo with lab. Sorry.

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try SABA, I know of people who were accepted without the prereqs due to high score on the MCAT (org chem/biological sciences, physical sciences), and they take humanities/social sciences courses in lieu of english, cost is slightly lower than US schools.

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A) this has been posted before

B) LoL indeed at what you want - that's just not going to happen.

c) you have the list of schools in the sticky, why don't you go through each of them yourself and e-mail find out which ones don't take It was never a concern for any of us applying this year.


I want a lime colored Gallardo but posting on a forum won't get me one.

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***Update: I just spoke to a man who answered the phone, who was very confrontational when I asked “Where is the school located?” He started rambling about how ValueMD and StudentDoctor have been harassing and stalking people from the school. He admitted the address on the website is a PO Box, and said the school does not release the address or location of the school until an applicant has been accepted. (”Fine by me,” I said, “But it seems a little weird that a medical school wouldn’t be visitable or even map-able.”) He then noted that “members of Al Queda have been in contact” with the school, and the school had to file a “400 page document with the FBI” because of this. Yowsers.***



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I had an organic chem problem also. I only took 1 semester (but with lab). I found 5 schools for which this was acceptable: Cornell, U. Penn, Pritzker (Chigaco), Mount Sinai, and Minnesota (Minnesota just became very lax with its prereqs). I did, however, take 2 semesters of English. So give those schools a check to see if you're okay.

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