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MCAT course really worth it?


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I think it really depends on your learning style. I've written three standardized exams (LSAT, GMAT and MCAT) and scored well on all of them without taking the courses but I know others who swear they couldn't have achieved a competitive score without the course. I think a lot of it depends on how you learn (can you learn by reading or do you learn better in a classroom setting) and your ability to force yourself to buckle down and study without any external pressures.

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Quick question, I was just wondering do you guys think that taking the course improves scores drastically (worth the money?)...also which do you guys think is better Kaplan course or Princeton Review (same time and money)


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everyones different but i studied on my own, with more or less just basic med preqs taken and got a very good score, i think if u can motivate yourself the course isnt really necessary... examcrackers plus practice aamc's were a good combo i think, plus the courses are usually really expensive arent they?

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For me, I didn't have a science background... course was very helpful.. and I loved TPR....


Certain personality traits will make you a good/bad candidate for an MCAT course.


Did you actually learn everything in your pre-reqs, Do you learn well on your own or do you prefer to hear it from someone else, can you motivate yourself and stay on pace for a long-term schedule...


The downside, they are expensive. If you're not too worried about the cost I say why not.... but if it is a barrier... there are plenty of ways to study on your own and succeed.

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I'm one of those people who likes to attend lectures. I like to hear things told to me by profs, but mind you I can get independent work done by myself, and find that I tend to learn somethings better independently.


I didn't take an MCAT prep course, and feel that aside from one caveat, they are absolutely a waste of money. The caveat is the formula they teach you for the WS which pretty much guarantees an R or Q I'm told. If you have the science background (and by no means any deeply focused science courses, basically what you learn in first and second year general science courses) you will do fine. Study well by yourself, spend some money on a few AAMC practice tests, buy a book and read it, and then laugh at everyone else who spent $1700 to get the same score you got by spending $300-400.


The MCAT prep courses are, in my opinion an overpriced confidence boost. You know most of what you need to know already, and what you don't know, you can learn from a book. Practice tests are KEY though.


Talking to people in my class and friends I know (some who unfortunately didn't make it in...) the courses don't seem to help much. I know people who have taken the prep courses 2 or even 3 times! (free repeats i believe) and got little if any improvement in their scores. Others took the course once and scored nearly identical to what I did. Others still took no course and did AMAZINGLY well (hight 30's and low 40's). I haven't really come across anyone who has sung the praises of any prep course, so that may be just my own bias.

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