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May 15 versus June 12

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Can someone explain the difference (if there is any) between the May 15 - first date for offers and the June 12 - firm acceptances dates?


If you are offered admission in May, can it be taken away before June? If you are not offered in May, do you find out then whether you're waitlisted/rejected, or does that wait until June?



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From what I understand,


May 15th they send offers out and you're given a limited time to respond to them, they'll also tell you then whether you were waitlisted or rejected if that is the case.


Say you get into Queens and Toronto and are waitlisted at Western but you really want to go to Western.


You accept one of the two you get into conditionally... basically saying I'll come to your school given I don't get into Western. However, by June 12 the acceptance becomes firm and you need to give a deposit in (generally about $1000) to reserve your seat. You're not allowed to keep waiting all summer with the conditional acceptance.


I think it's possible to keep waiting, and then forfeit your deposit to go another school if you get in somewhere later in the summer... but I'm not completely certain.


If someone who knows better could correct/confirm my post that would be great.

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From what I understand,


May 15th they send offers out and you're given a limited time to respond to them, they'll also tell you then whether you were waitlisted or rejected if that is the case.


Say you get into Queens and Toronto and are waitlisted at Western but you really want to go to Western.


You accept one of the two you get into conditionally... basically saying I'll come to your school given I don't get into Western. However, by June 12 the acceptance becomes firm and you need to give a deposit in (generally about $1000) to reserve your seat. You're not allowed to keep waiting all summer with the conditional acceptance.


You're correct up to there. As of June 12th, any conditional acceptance becomes a FIRM acceptance, and you are REMOVED off of any waitlists you may still be on. So continuing your example, lets say you conditionally accepted Toronto, hoping to be pulled off of the UWO waitlist. On June 12th, if you haven't been accepted off of the UWO watilst, your name is removed from Western's waitlist, and you are expected to have paid UofT your $1000 deposit; basically, you're going to UofT.


If you're the gambling type (and/or CRAZY!) you could turn down both Queen's and UofT (therefore not holding any acceptance) and wait all summer long for UWO... but if you don't get in, you've just turned down 2 acceptances and end up with no medical education :(

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As of June 12th, any conditional acceptance becomes a FIRM acceptance, and you are REMOVED off of any waitlists you may still be on.


One small caveat: I think you are only removed from Ontario school waitlists on June 12. So you could firmly accept U of T on June 12, only to turn it down later if you were offered a spot in July at U of A. You'd lose the deposit, though.

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One small caveat: I think you are only removed from Ontario school waitlists on June 12. So you could firmly accept U of T on June 12, only to turn it down later if you were offered a spot in July at U of A. You'd lose the deposit, though.


ok well since this is the general Ontario discussions, we're talking about OMSAS only. The different systems don't communicate with each other so you could hold acceptances in bangladesh, indonesia, africa, afghanistan, UofT, Harvard and the Caribbean. You'd just loose your deposits to every school but one in the end... unless you wanted to really hedge your bets and attend a few schools simultaneously... you're learning the same things, so if you flunk out of Harvard, you might still have a chance passing your exams in the Caribbean!

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so does this mean if we receive an acceptance on may 15th then we have to reply before june 12th? or do we have until june 12th to accept? (i'm asking this because i'm planning to travel right after exams)


I believe you have 2 weeks to reply, so around May 30th is when your responses are due to the schools you've been accepted at. If you give a FIRM acceptance on May 30th, (so, you got into the school you wanted) your name is taken off all other waitlists, and you send in a deposit alongside your FIRM acceptance. If you chose a provisional acceptance, your name stays on the waitlist at any other schools. Your provisional acceptance remains provisional until June 12th at which time it becomes a FIRM acceptance and you are taken off the waitlist elsewhere.

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