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English Courses for the Canadian Fellow Applying to the States

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I heard US Medschools require like 2 semesters of English courses in 2 years or something along the lines of this.


Can anybody give some more information on this?


P.S. What are the general difference in requirements between Canadian and US Medschools anyways?

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US schools want 1 full year of english or two semesters worth of courses. most schools require english in the US.


US schools have more prereqs than Cdn schools. Some schools require math, biochem, organic chem, physics etc whereas most Cdn schools have no such requirements.

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US schools want 1 full year of english or two semesters worth of courses. most schools require english in the US.


US schools have more prereqs than Cdn schools. Some schools require math, biochem, organic chem, physics etc whereas most Cdn schools have no such requirements.


Just to make sure I understand this, it isn't mandatory to have 2 straight semesters of english right?


I mean, all we have to have is a total of 2 semesters of english? As in you can take one first year and another third year?


Also, is it alright with them if you take an english course over the summer instead of during a school year?

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All of those scenarios are fine. You just need to have taken at least 2 not neccessarily consecutive semesters of English, at any time and at any institution.




all you need is a full year's worth of english credits - i.e. 2 semesters whenever. both can be over summer, one can be over summer, none can be over summer...etc. as long as you have 2 semesters completed before the start of medical school.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got a question about this English course requirement. Does it matter which school you complete your English courses? Say you have graduated from under with no english or even half english credit. Could you make up for this english credit at some other university closer to where you live? So for example, if you graduated from Queens or Ottawa, could you make up for the English credit at Western, U of T, York, or Ryerson?



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i think you can. they take all post-secondary courses taken into consideration regardless of whether or not they were completed at the same institution. a lot of people do the athabasca courses to complete prereqs so i dont see there being an issue. you could always call AMCAS to be sure.

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As a high school student about to enter university should I take English first year in university to prepare for an US medical? Do I take this class as an elective? I'm sort of scared to take it as I am not that strong in English at least I don't think I am and it will probably bring down my GPA.

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Would you guys happen to know whether Comparative Literature courses work for the English requirement? I've only taken one English but have a bunch of Comp Lits. My school is getting rid of the Comp Lit department next year anyway, and all the courses will be cross listed with English - they're practically the same thing.


I emailed NYMC and they gave me a totally vague response. I really need to call them...

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