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REALISTICALLY how long after you write can you write again


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For example, I would like to write once this summer, then write again before next year's applications are due Sept. 15. When is the latest I can write in the summer, if I plan on registering immediately afterwards and writing again?


I havent been able to find this info on my own.

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You should be fine if you write one of the early September ones.


I would reconsider this plan if I were you, though. Some schools (i.e. Western) take your most recent MCAT, not your best. If you nail the first one by suprise you'd hate to have your 36Q overtaken by a 32P.


You may be planning to wait until you get your score back already in which case ignore my post. I'd strongly recommend doing that, though.

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Last yr, I wrote on Aug. 5th which gave me just enough time to get my results back and be able to re-write on Sept. 12th/13th if I needed to.


The downside is that I ended up 'burning' the money because AAMC doesn't refund you if you don't have to re-write the MCAT but registered for it. But still, I was glad to have the safety net :)


Good luck! :)

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You should be fine if you write one of the early September ones.


I would reconsider this plan if I were you, though. Some schools (i.e. Western) take your most recent MCAT, not your best. If you nail the first one by suprise you'd hate to have your 36Q overtaken by a 32P.


You may be planning to wait until you get your score back already in which case ignore my post. I'd strongly recommend doing that, though.


Where did you hear Western takes your most recent and not your best score?

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