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I would suggest going to the tour/presentation if you don't have time conflict because those tend to give you the feel about the school and the faculty... and you can find out what's so great and different about the school so when the time comes for you to make a decision, you could reflect back and think, 'huh... school A had starbucks whereas school B had timmies....'

BUT participation is not required and the school won't even know if you skipped out or went to both the time slots.

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I'd advise to go on the tour. I had my interview last weekend, and it changed Ottawa from my second choice to my first choice.


hmm, not to knock the tour but I'm curious as to what about it changed your mind?


They just took us around the building. The facilities were like I would expect. They did talk about the curriculum which I already appreciated and knew about. The school was great before the tour, but the tour seemed to do nothing for me.

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My 2 top choices are between Ottawa and Dal. I was originally leaning towards Dal because I live in Halifax, but after seeing the facilities at Ottawa, and comparing them to Dal (I work at a lab in the Dal medical building), I found that I would prefer Ottawa much more. It wasnt anything specific in the tour, but IMO its important to see where you are applying to spend the next 4 years at.

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