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TPR for Orgo?


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I've been going over (or attempting to) the Orgo section of the TPR hyperlearning materials. For those with experience, is the amount of info in TPR overkill? It seems like a lot of information for a small section but I don't want to underestimate it either (every point counts right?). I have the Ek book but have found it inadequate in other subjects so not sure if I can just rely on it. Any insight is much appreciated



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If you have taken orgo courses in your undergrad recently, I think EK is enough for a review and for more details you can check out the TPR stuff.


For me personally , I have taken first and second year orgo, so the stuff is pretty easy and all I used was EK to refresh my memories.

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Depends on what you get. There can be a little Orgo, or there can be a lot. I wrote the MCAT and had 3 passages. You may write it and get 1. Nothing hurts from studying more material than necessary. The key is to remember that it is the fundamentals of what you are studying that is more important than the total amount of material. If you are really strong at identifying LG/Nu/Ephiles, etc., memorizing less of the individual reactions is fine because you can play with the electron movement based on the individual questions.


If you aren't, being exposed to more problems, more scenarios, and more examples will give you a broader picture to learn.

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