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Strange, Strange Journey...

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This is the story all about my strange, strange journey to medicine. This might be longwinded, so I apologize.


For the longest time I have been running from my real strong desire to become a doctor because I didn't believe it was possible with the competitiveness of med schools in Canada. I decided an alternative career to get away from my desires would be psychology... which soon turned to Social Work since it was a more direct route to human contact.


During my years at university and my entire life, I struggled with depression. This severely impacted me during my second year in which I recieved a cumulative average of 66%. I also screwed up general chemistry with a mark of 55% (I wasn't really even suppose to pass).


Depression also impacted me in fourth year, when I was hospitalized a few times... and I took summer school at the end of fourth year just so that I would get OSAP to keep my apartment... and so that I could finish my practicum and finish my two degrees.


So basically I have confronted the fact that I want to be a doctor, and am working on a five year plan to hopefully get into some medical school.


My Stats: current avg: 3.15

I have two degrees: BSW(hon) and BA in Psychology from UWO

I am currently in community college doing a diploma in Opticianry


I have a lot of extracurriculars from High School --> University.


I am arranging to volunteer at NYGH for the next 4-5 years


I have to do all my prereqs including Gen Chem (probably through Athabasca)and take the MCAT


I'm 25 right now, hoping to matriculate when I'm 30.


My depression is very well controlled now.



Do I have a hope at all? I'm not opposed to the US... but that might be a joke for me too.

I was considering DO... because all I want to be is a GP, but would like to do residency in Canada and get a postgraduate fellowship in psychotherapies at U of T. Is DO a good idea?

I'm concerned about Carribbeans/other international because I really want to come back and practice in Canada.

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