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CAD software not working properly, masters project nowhere near where it should be.


Can't find lucky interview tie.


Wondering if I'm forgetting something important, like the passport picture.


Feeling guilty about leaving the wife alone with the kids for four days.


Feeling even more guilty because 66% of kids are sick.


Feeling guilty at the idea of having fun while wife is alone with kids.


Read too much on ethics and current topics in medicine. Currently afraid of losing it during the interview and recommending mandatory circumcision for all males in private clinics funded by the tax payers, assisted by unproven designer drugs and post-modern Elbonian spirit healers.

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CAD software not working properly, masters project nowhere near where it should be.


Can't find lucky interview tie.


Wondering if I'm forgetting something important, like the passport picture.


Feeling guilty about leaving the wife alone with the kids for four days.


Feeling even more guilty because 66% of kids are sick.


Feeling guilty at the idea of having fun while wife is alone with kids.


Read too much on ethics and current topics in medicine. Currently afraid of losing it during the interview and recommending mandatory circumcision for all males in private clinics funded by the tax payers, assisted by unproven designer drugs and post-modern Elbonian spirit healers.


LOL. Relax. Good to bump into another dad on here. I would suggest that the first order of business is to find that tie.

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Wondering if I'm forgetting something important, like the passport picture.


Just to clarify, the photo is a photo ID... no need to get a passport one taken. Cross that off the list.


In terms of ethics... it's good that you're well-read and it is absolutely an asset to understand the theory of medical ethics, but I would be less concerned about the technical stuff when addressing your scenario... I think it's more important to take a common sense approach to these types of questions... I would let your knowledge of the theory support your answer instead of making it your answer, if that makes any sense at all...

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Hmm...Read too much on ethics and current topics in medicine. Currently afraid of losing it during the interview and recommending mandatory circumcision for all males in private clinics funded by the tax payers, assisted by unproven designer drugs and post-modern Elbonian spirit healers.


LOL, ok ok. So it's not just me then :P


I think it's the not knowing what to expect part that is killing me. Maybe that's why some people do better on their 2nd try?


Anyway, good luck to everyone, I'm sure we'll have a blast tomorrow! ;)

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No, it was much better than I thought it would be. No idea how I did on the actual interview part, but the whole experience was almost (almost!) fun.


The med students were nice, the interviewers were all great and friendly, and the whole thing ran like clock-work. And it's really true what people say...there's no time to get nervous since 8 minutes goes by SO quickly.


The only weird part for me was that there were 2 stations where we ran out of things to say, and the interviewers had used all their prompts...and we kindof just small talked for the last 2 minutes or so. Very awkward. But not the end of the world, since I've read on pm101 that this has happened to other people! :D


Good luck if you have one today. I'd love to hear how everyone feels afterwards! :)

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I had fun too and thought it went well. It wasn't stressful at all. Really, just like having a conversation. Most interviewers were very nice.


Though, I think everyone I talked too afterwards when we mingled said they felt it went well and had fun too.


If everyone thought they did good and only 100 are getting in are some of us just delusional?

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Wow, my experience spoke volumes for the value of preperation. Although there were 2 stations where I think I did average, I think I smoked the others. At risk of putting my foot in my mouth, I'm going to say that I'm legitimately excited to get that letter on May 20thish.

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wow, it doesn't seem like w8kg6 needed any luck ;)


I thought mine went alright, I think I performed at average or above average at most stations (though not sure about the first one), just like Garance, I guess we will have to wait 2.2million seconds (haha 22days) till may 15th (oh wait, maybe longer because they send out letters)


happy waiting eveyone

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Wow, my experience spoke volumes for the value of preperation. Although there were 2 stations where I think I did average, I think I smoked the others. At risk of putting my foot in my mouth, I'm going to say that I'm legitimately excited to get that letter on May 20thish.


By the sounds of it there are only 19 more NB seats. A premature congratulations is in order here.

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I thought mine went alright, ... (though not sure about the first one), ...


astudentis, take some comfort that everyone is nervous at the first station, and this is likely taken into account when scoring... everyone gets a first station.



Good luck to all.

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By the sounds of it there are only 19 more NB seats. A premature congratulations is in order here.


Haha, be careful. My unfounded excitement isn't immune to jinxing :P. Also, I just think I 'smoked' them because I had a really fun time with the stations, haha. I didn't mean to seem as though I think I have a spot reserved for me, lol. My 3.6 OMSAS GPA will still be my ball and chain :P.

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Haha, be careful. My unfounded excitement isn't immune to jinxing :P. Also, I just think I 'smoked' them because I had a really fun time with the stations, haha. I didn't mean to seem as though I think I have a spot reserved for me, lol. My 3.6 OMSAS GPA will still be my ball and chain :P.


No worries, I was just playin' with you anyways.

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