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MGB311 &BCH371

Guest dogeatdog12

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Guest dogeatdog12

Is taking MGB311, IMM335, and MBY377/378, and BCH371 too much?


I was just wondering if anyone knew anything about these courses?



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Guest 45rpm

I was in Immunology and I took IMM334, MGB311, MBY377/378 and BCH321 all in third year with two more half courses. I didn't think it was too much at all. I found it more enjoyable than my first two years.


Our entire IMM334 (335 now) mark was based on ~200 multiple choice questions spread (unevenly) over two tests and an exam. Most of it had to do with memorizing details, but Julius' part was more problem solving.


MGB311 was my least favourite because some of the test questions were pretty irrelevant. There was an essay component on which everyone did well (average was around 84).


MBY was also memorization, especially the virus half of the course. The text that we used (Brock) was somewhat useful for 377 and completely useless for 378.


Many aspects of the courses overlap (for instance, you'll be learning about different types of recombination) so that may help a bit. Overall, if you like to memorize things and have a good memory, you'll have fun taking these courses. You seem to have only 3.5 credits there, so maybe you can choose some other 'less memory-intensive' courses to balance things out.


I don't know about BCH371 since I didn't take it.

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Guest turtle

I was in MGB and in my 3rd year I took MGB311, MGB312, BCH321, BCH371 and the fully-year MBY course (which has since been replaced by MBY377/378). I did not take IMM334, so cannot comment on that one. I would have to agree with 45rpm that much of the material overlaps, especially between MGB, BCH, and from what I've heard, IMM...while this may make some lectures seem redundant, I found it to be helpful when it came time to memorize all the details. If you read my post in the General Pre-Med Discussion page (the thread about 300-level life-sci courses), you will notice that I didn't think too highly of the MBY course (though the first half was better than the second), both in terms of content and teaching. Personally, I would recommend staying away from it, but that's just my opinion! And, of course, opinions differ...for example, unlike 45rpm, I enjoyed MGB311 and especially 312 (but I think it's restricted to MGB majors) the most. The biochem lab, BCH371, wasn't bad either - it helps if you have a good TA - just be prepared for a whole lot of work. BCH321 (which I thought was a prerequisite for 371, but maybe it's different now that they've changed the curriculum slightly) was split into 4 units with 4 different profs...and some were definitely better than others.


It's your call, of course, but those are my thoughts (if they help). What program are you in?

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Guest dogeatdog12

I am in the immunology specialist program.


I must agree MGB311, IMM335, and MBY377/378 seems like too much. I haven't heard good things about the microbiology courses. I am also worried about MGB311 because i have heard the tests are impossible and incredibly difficult.


how much work is required for BCH371? I don't really wanna take it.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest med2006McGill

Hi dogeatdog12,


I was in the IMM program program too and I found 3rd year to be the most challenging year (contrary to how 45rpm felt). While materials you learn in 3rd year are more interesting, the workload is also heavier. However, as long as you don't try to cram last minute before tests, you should do fine.


Don't worry too much about MGB311. The tests were challenging but as long as you take a look at the old tests and familiarize yourself with the type of questions that get asked, you'll survive.


I didn't take BCH371 but I heard that it requires a lot of work. You have to hand in lab reports on a weekly basis I think.


Good luck!

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Guest premed81

Hi there,

I took BCH371 and yes, it was a very demanding course. The labs are not difficult, but extremely time-consuming. I remember several labs where the whole class stayed behind for an additional 3-4 hours to complete the lab. Lab reports are also not difficult, but, again are very time-consuming because some reports require so many tables, charts, graphs, etc. I certainly learned about endurance, stamena, and patience. But I am very glad that it's done and over.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest med2006McGill

I said that third year in IMM was the most challenging because the workload was heavier than in 1st & 2nd year. For MGB, especially, we had no notes and the prof we had always spoke very fast. We wasted so much time comparing notes after class and looking up info in textbooks. However, I heard the prof that I referred to doesn't teach MGB anymore.


Studying for BCH was also time-consuming. We had to memorize all the pathways and draw the structure of every component in the pathway on our exam. However, as long as you don't wait until the last minute to study, you should be fine. Good luck! :)

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