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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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How goes watching the oldies from that TV series?


haha, Seinfeld is hilarious, I'm starting to appreciate the humour and references


Finished season 2 yesterday. Didn't have any time to watch any today because I was in the OR all day, then had dinner with some friends...just got home recently


Gonna be my very last day at the hospital tomorrow :(

Commemorating by drinking a bottle of champagne and mango nectar (another great drink..mango mimosas)




I saw cancer in the face today, lung cancer. It is scary. Makes me love surgery even more :D

Never thought I'd ever want to be a surgeon, but wow, how things change with experience

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Somebody tell me that an Abnormal Psych course will be interesting. Please. I'm still not sold. I thought intro to psych would be interesting and it sucked. I don't want to get burned by that department again.


I took the UBC Abnormal Psych course. It was interesting at least for me. It's basically an intro the DSM-IV and then gives a very basic survey into the diseases of varying headings within it. They touch upon treatments and presentation, so it's a neat introduction to clinical psych. It's 1000x better then UBC's "Health Psych" course.

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Somebody tell me that an Abnormal Psych course will be interesting. Please. I'm still not sold. I thought intro to psych would be interesting and it sucked. I don't want to get burned by that department again.


My friends who took it all liked it. It also made one of my friends switch out of a psych major :D

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I took the UBC Abnormal Psych course. It was interesting at least for me. It's basically an intro the DSM-IV and then gives a very basic survey into the diseases of varying headings within it. They touch upon treatments and presentation, so it's a neat introduction to clinical psych. It's 1000x better then UBC's "Health Psych" course.


ah I decided to choose health psych over abnormal psych... the topics in health psych sound so much better... i love learning about stress and depression

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ah I decided to choose health psych over abnormal psych... the topics in health psych sound so much better... i love learning about stress and depression


There are a few different professors. If you have Malady Preece then transfer out, now. The other one seems pretty interested in the course and involved. Malady might be one of the worst professors I've had in university.

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Hey guys,


does anyone know what the tipping etiquette is? I had a Rogers service technician come in, and as he was leaving, it struck me that I didn't know whether to tip, or not tip.


Don't tip those *******s. You tip bartenders and maybe cab drivers. Technicians get paid enough plus Rogers is just BAH.

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Cab drivers earn enough, more than us and are lucky to earn the fare we occasionally give them, so I don't tip them (even though they expect it). And their fares keep rising.


:o...I did not know that...this is what happened recently: We took a cab, I tipped him a little over a dollar for fare that was $12, and the cabbie was like, "that's it? We make a living off of tips." So I gave him two more dollars.

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well this place has gotten out of hand, and i'm really disappointed that i'm the 26th all time poster, especially since 78 percent of my posts are drunken ramblings. so i'm going to take a break until i'm less than top 30 all time posters.


my advice to everyone. go and get yourself an md credit card and start striking out with two 4s at the bar.

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Cab drivers earn enough, more than us and are lucky to earn the fare we occasionally give them, so I don't tip them (even though they expect it). And their fares keep rising.


No, they don't actually make very much at all, especially if they don't own their own cab and a couple of other cabs. Plus they have to deal with the uncertainty of people dodging fares, drunk people puking in their cab and the real possibility of being robbed or other experiencing other violence. Of all the people not to tip, your cab driver is not the one.

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Well, yes, they imtimidate you. I don't accept their intimidation on the rare times I need a cab. I know they will be unhappy. I just pay and leave and igonre what they say. Like once, I took a tour of the homes of the movie stars in L.A. It was something like $90. The bus driver gave us all the information, he was terriic and I intended to tip him $5 when getting off the bus at the hotel. He gave a shpiel how he expected $20 from each of us, which would have beenmore than $600 for 3 hours plus his salary. I got off the bus giving this pig nothing, he would have sneered at $5, so let him sneer and I had more of my hard earned money.

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Thanks. I didn't, so I feel better now.


This whole tipping thing has gone too far! Somone needs to establish rules! lol


Yeah. Like we're forced to tip bartenders now.... but what if their service actually sucks?! One time I refused to tip them.... And I'm usually a very generous person.


Edit: However, if you're in Cuba - TIP them all. lol. Otherwise you'll get nothing...lol

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well this place has gotten out of hand, and i'm really disappointed that i'm the 26th all time poster, especially since 78 percent of my posts are drunken ramblings.


haha, I don;t think so Adam.


I clearly remember you noticed that my posts - exactly one year ago - had ramped up from about 600 to 1,100 and you discussed this with me, that I was becoming more active...well, lots happens in a year, lol. :P

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what if their service actually sucks?! One time I refused to tip them.... And I'm usually a very generous person.


I never tip for bad service, they don't deserve it, my money is hard to come by, and it only ncourages more bad service. I am sensitive to the service industy as my sibling was a waiter going to university and that is how shepaid her tuition and other expenses.

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I'm pretty good with tipping. F_d, I can't rationalize why you think cab drivers are not worthy of a tip. I tip cabbies for picking me out of a crowd of people hailing cabs, for getting me home safely in a very efficient manner, and putting up with a lot of crap.


I tip at a bar if its busy and I ask for something special. I don't think that twisting off a beer cap deserves a tip, however.


Same thing goes with eating at stores/restaurants. I tip at a restaurant unless I'm treated terribly. But when I go somewhere like Booster Juice, and they have a tip option on the debit menu, I always decline it. People need to do something above and beyond making the food I paid them to make to get a tip.

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