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States app timeline regarding MCAT

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Hey guys, I was wondering when the states look at your MCAT score. I'm planning on applying early (this month/next) and am rewriting my MCAT in 2 weeks. However, I don't feel 100% ready for it, so I'm debating whether or not to just reschedule it to Aug. If I do reschedule, will they look at that score or will that score not be out in time, thus only taking my first attempt (10PS/7V/11BS/P) into consideration? Thanks!

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OH, do I send in my MCAT scores with my app? can I not send my app and get AAMC to send my scores as soon as they come out to the schools? I don't feel ready because pretty much started hardcore preparing after my finals, was about a week ago. I'm rewriting because of my verbal score (7) and although i've been doing lots of practice passages I don't feel like I "get" it yet. I should be fine for getting 10 in the other sections with a bit more review/practice. I'm planning on doing a practice exam everyday starting tomorrow if I do write in 2 weeks.

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OH, do I send in my MCAT scores with my app? can I not send my app and get AAMC to send my scores as soon as they come out to the schools? I don't feel ready because pretty much started hardcore preparing after my finals, was about a week ago. I'm rewriting because of my verbal score (7) and although i've been doing lots of practice passages I don't feel like I "get" it yet. I should be fine for getting 10 in the other sections with a bit more review/practice. I'm planning on doing a practice exam everyday starting tomorrow if I do write in 2 weeks.


You can still send in your primary, get it verified etc in the meanwhile. AMCAS doesn't care about your MCAT scores for the primary verification process, because the scores will get uploaded automatically. So even if you don't have your MCAT scores yet, you can start working on the secondaries. The only downside is that if you write the MCAT in August, you won't be complete at the various schools until Sept. (by complete I mean they have your secondaries, ref letters etc.. and MCAT scores).

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i think we're using different terminology


verified = AMCAS has verified your official transcript matches what you've put on your application


complete = determined by each school when they've received your AMCAS, MCAT scores, LORs, and secondary application

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Very few schools screen the primary application


Most just send everyone their secondary (so they get more money). Some places send secondaries before you're even verified


But you still have to wait for them to ask before submitting right? Or do you just submit right away regardless?


On another note, how long does it take to complete primaries and secondaries? For primaries it doesn't seem THAT long, other than the fact that I have no idea how to put in my UofT grades. :confused: I'm kind of leaving it for past May 15th just so I won't have to waste effort if I get accepted in Canada.

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BTW it doesn't really matter how you input the grades because AMCAS is very particular about what they want and will change it anyway. Just write exactly what's on your transcript.


You do have to wait for the schools to invite you to complete their secondaries, but in practice this doesn't matter because the work will pile up quickly.

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So would it be (or not be) favourable to apply with a competitive MCAT if you knew you could get a higher score if you wrote the test in say... June...


Basically is it better to get your foot in the door early (i.e. May) and then update them after primaries with a higher score... or would there be implications if it came time for secondaries and you all of a sudden had a higher score?

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