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did anyone get rejected?

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After reading the stats, it seems that people are either accepted/waitlisted in a high position/ or waitlisted. So does that mean those who are waitlisted (but are not in a high position on the waitlist) have little chance of getting in? (like the bad waitlist of ottawa?)

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If you got an interview and 2 out of the 3 on the panel said you were not fit to be a physician you are rejected. Otherwise you are waitlisted, there is a good deal of movement off the waitlist. If waitlisted you wont hear anything for at least a few weeks.

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I do not know the number but I do know that the wait list does move a lot. Last year I spent a lot of time sitting down trying to analyze and figure out my odds of getting in. The only way to know is if you knew your ranking (which you cannot find out). I know it is hard and sux but sit tight and wait.

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