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MCAT-weak PS background


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I posted this originally in another category, but haven't had any replies....

I was hoping for some suggestions for MCAT prep for someone with a weak physical sciences background. My undergrad and grad school are in nursing. I did general first year chem, but it was awhile ago. I have never taken a physics course. I'm currently taking orgo. I did the Kaplan course, and did worse on PS on the actual MCAT then I did on the Kaplan diagnostic (ouch, but I did get the $ back). My PS score was worse after taking Kaplan! So I'll be rewriting this August. Any advice would be so appreciated!

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I posted this originally in another category, but haven't had any replies....

I was hoping for some suggestions for MCAT prep for someone with a weak physical sciences background. My undergrad and grad school are in nursing. I did general first year chem, but it was awhile ago. I have never taken a physics course. I'm currently taking orgo. I did the Kaplan course, and did worse on PS on the actual MCAT then I did on the Kaplan diagnostic (ouch, but I did get the $ back). My PS score was worse after taking Kaplan! So I'll be rewriting this August. Any advice would be so appreciated!


I think TPR hyperlearning is pretty solid. I was terrible at physics and I'm pretty sure it'll now be my strongest subject on the real thing as I'm quite comfortable with it now. Their chemistry is pretty good too and they start with the very basics. Granted you'll cover more material but I feel its key for people who are shaky with their fundamentals. Granted the MCAT is about applying info.....but you need to understand the info first before you can apply it!


I have heard great things about Berkley and Nova prep materials as well, espeically for physics. But I haven't used them personally so can't vouch on how'd they would be for someone who wants to start from the basics.


I would avoid Examkrackers though......I have that material and they zoom through the fundamentals are meant for people who already have a good background (just my opinion)


hope that helps


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Thanks so much for getting back to me! I actually bought EK and I find it so much better then Kraplan, except for Physics where I seriously need some extra help. I enrolled in a pre-university physics course via Waterloo in order to learn the basics. I'll also check out some of the reources you mentioned. Thanks again!

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