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the batch process for interviews

Guest Emila

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Guest Emila

I've heard that applications near the bottom of a batch may be acceptable for an interview but just because of their place in the pile, they are rejected.

Is it true that if they have enough people to interview, they won't finish reviewing the applications?


Did anyone receive an invite this week?


I haven't heard from UofT yet and I'm getting very nervous.

I'd appreciate any info.

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last year when i applied to u of t they told me that where your application falls into the batches is competely random. if you are interviewed at the end or beginning it does not represent the value of your application. if this is true, then i don't think that they would not even look at some applications (ie everyone's application must be evaluated before they fill all the slots). i would guess they evaluate (for example) 100 each time and then offer interviews to a subset of those people.... but that is a guess

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