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Work/ Activities

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Since it's unlike OMSAS in that there's only 15 slots and you can actually write a lot about each activity, I was wondering if I should only use my strongest achievements which I can elaborate greatly on, limiting me to only around 11 or so. I guess I could fill up the other 4 with various smaller honors like Dean's list and a volunteer experience in 2005, but they pale in comparison to my strong 11, so I'm not sure if I should just leave it at that. Advice would be great, thanks!

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Since it's unlike OMSAS in that there's only 15 slots and you can actually write a lot about each activity, I was wondering if I should only use my strongest achievements which I can elaborate greatly on, limiting me to only around 11 or so. I guess I could fill up the other 4 with various smaller honors like Dean's list and a volunteer experience in 2005, but they pale in comparison to my strong 11, so I'm not sure if I should just leave it at that. Advice would be great, thanks!


:) (10 characters)

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You don't want to look like you're scraping for things to fill up the 15.


I think I only had 12 entries, but some of them were multiples (i.e. multiple awards/dean's list, multiple shadowing experiences, multiple short volunteering stints). I could have split them up to get 15 but I felt it looked "meatier" condensed into 12.

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Yeah I think that's what I'm going to do to get 13 entries: Condense extracurriculars from highschool in one, and extracurriculars from University in the other. They're stuff that show my diverse range of interests, but I would definitely not devote an entire slot to one of these activities.

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Yeah I think that's what I'm going to do to get 13 entries: Condense extracurriculars from highschool in one, and extracurriculars from University in the other. They're stuff that show my diverse range of interests, but I would definitely not devote an entire slot to one of these activities.


I might be wrong but I think for US schools you don't include anything from high school. You might want to double check the directions just in case.

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Stupid question, posted this in faq but it might be seen quicker here:


About Contact Name/Title


1) How do you write the names of the contact? "Dr. So and So, Project Supervisor", and then do you write their phone number or something? I just don't understand where you would write their contact information?


2) For things like Dean's List or graduating with distinction, what would you write for that? "Documentation Available"?



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I might be wrong but I think for US schools you don't include anything from high school. You might want to double check the directions just in case.

Definitely no high school stuff.


If you continued an activity in college you can just say that the you've been doing it since whatever year, but you can't include anything that started and ended before college.

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Stupid question, posted this in faq but it might be seen quicker here:


About Contact Name/Title


1) How do you write the names of the contact? "Dr. So and So, Project Supervisor", and then do you write their phone number or something? I just don't understand where you would write their contact information?


2) For things like Dean's List or graduating with distinction, what would you write for that? "Documentation Available"?



I think there's separate fields for contact information like a phone number, address etc.


Things like Dean's list are usually on your transcript, no? Even if not I doubt any school would want to verify something like that. If you had a very high GPA during a semester and you say you made dean's list, they'll take your word for it.

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I think there's separate fields for contact information like a phone number, address etc.


Things like Dean's list are usually on your transcript, no? Even if not I doubt any school would want to verify something like that. If you had a very high GPA during a semester and you say you made dean's list, they'll take your word for it.


That's the thing though, I see "contact name/title" and "organization name" but nowhere to provide a personal contact number or anything?? Very confusing.

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on the topic of work / activities ..


is it OK to list things that you will be doing in the upcoming school year, but prior to matriculation? For instance, I'm doing an honours thesis for 2009-2010, but I don't know all the details yet, and I haven't even started yet. I feel like it will be a valuable asset to my application though - should I include the honours thesis in my work / activities?

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They must have changed the application this year because last year there definitely were places to put contact information.


If they removed them, it probably means they don't want the info anymore.


Yes it was sort of shocking but there are no boxes anymore for contact info as far as I could see....

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Yes it was sort of shocking but there are no boxes anymore for contact info as far as I could see....

I wouldn't worry about it...it's not like OMSAS no one is actually going to try to verify your ECs. Last year it was just a hassle (if for example your supervisor isn't with the organization anymore) and since the schools never use the info they're just making it easier for you.

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Side note:


Do you know if we can enter the work/activities as bullets or as paragraphs or a combination of both?


you can do either or. I used sentences but i am aware of several successful applicants who used bullet style points. whatever frames your activity in the best light is the approach to use. Sentences soften up the section (less facts/abrupt) but can also be viewed as filler...

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Also, what's the proper name to put under Experience Name. Do I put Hospital Volunteer at XYZ Hospital or do I simply put Summer hospital volunteer.


Also for Experience names for research, do I put "NSERC Summer summer student research at Dr. XYZ's laboratory" or do I just put "Summer student research".


Basically what I'm asking is should we have a descriptive experience name or not?

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on the topic of work / activities ..


is it OK to list things that you will be doing in the upcoming school year, but prior to matriculation? For instance, I'm doing an honours thesis for 2009-2010, but I don't know all the details yet, and I haven't even started yet. I feel like it will be a valuable asset to my application though - should I include the honours thesis in my work / activities?


sorry if I'm being a pain - but can someone please get to my question? I didn't want to make another thread since my question is on the subject of work / activities. Thanks a lot! :D

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I posted this on SDN but didn't get reply...


I have the following experiences and associated awards/posters. In the bracket I am mentioning under which category I am putting them.


-summer research + NSERC for this research + poster for this research (Under Awards)

-summer research + institutional award for this research + poster for this research + poster abstract submitted for a conference for this research (Under Poster/Presentations)

- summer research just by itself (under Research/Labs)

- undergrad thesis (under Research/Labs)

- Shadowing/Research experience (Under Volunteering-Clinical)


So as you can see, I am trying to sort my research experiences into different categories. I don't really want to have a bunch of Research/Labs experiences when I actually have other stuff to mention. On the other hand, I also do not want to create separate fields for the research and the award and the poster etc. etc. that is attached with that research.


Is it okay if I put them in different categories? I may lose some brownie points for consistency.


Can someone comment on this? I want to submit the primary asap once this is cleared out.



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