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MCAT Strategy Verbal Reasoning Video


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Hi guys. I've been a long time lurker in these forums and I recently started a new project on Youtube to post MCAT Prep videos.


I decided to undertake this project when I realized that there is a big void of MCAT related videos on Youtube. Since I thought educational videos would be useful, I have started an account to start posting some videos.


I just completed my first one which you can find here:


I hope to do these regularly and hope to build up the channel. I am not part of any formal business or prep school and the videos are free to access so I hope the members of this forum won't flame me too bad for promoting myself here.


Hope this project gets off the ground and hope that people find it useful.

I will reply to any comments made on the video. Thanks guys.

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Just wanted to say good job on the video.


Somethings I enjoyed about it:

1) It presented a technique (the horizontal line) that I had never considered before. I think by actually labeling the author's belief on a graph will probably help with some questions.


2) The pace of the video. This was well done, as something too fast would prevent the viewer to getting the full idea, and something too slow, would probably loose my attention.


3) There was no music, or distracting graphics.


4) The length of the video- I think it was good as quick tip or suggestion.


A suggestion:

1) Perhaps if you could use an actual question in the video that highlights your point. Ie, with the horizontal line technique you could show a question where this would be useful, and sort of a walk through of implementing it.


- Great video, and thank you for making it.

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